
(553 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)

Darth Atrox,Apr 10 2009, 08:23 PM wrote:

(smiles and drinks)

"thanks you"

Director: Cut, thats a rap, great job hovoth and atrox

Lightside Master,Apr 10 2009, 10:29 PM wrote:

LSM: dude, i think you got my wrong side in that one shot, can we redue that scene?

ROFL - It was all a movie scene! Awesome Atrox!  lol


Hovoth: I think I did rather well.

Director: A'd rauther ya'd all ply' it will agin. I l'ved the id'ya of classic 'scenes!

Hovoth: What's with the accent?

Directer: Oh, err... nothing.


(23 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

Lightside Master,Apr 7 2009, 07:35 PM wrote:

cool. dude where you been? must be pretty busy! B) glad you stopped back by!

I dunno, just busy with whatever stuff. (Laughs) I haven't been making much time to start posting on the site, with the whole vacations and a what-not.

Darth Atrian,Apr 7 2009, 08:32 PM wrote:

yeah i enjoyed it so far. keep on writing hovoth.

Will do.   B)

Darth Jester,Apr 10 2009, 11:52 PM wrote:

Nice work Hovoth.  big_smile  B)

Thanks.  B)

Starr,Apr 11 2009, 01:55 PM wrote:

Wow, Hovoth, this is awesome!  big_smile  I'm just getting to reading it and I've got to say really nice work.  B)

Thanks x2.  B) Now I've got writers block. lol

I'll think of something... (Starts jolting down ideas)


(237 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

** Hovoth, in his transport, continues to float towards a nearby Planet **

Hovoth: Hmm... a jungle terrained planet, from the looks of it. This one... I can't recall the name, and of course my on-screen planet information indicator is...

Console: *DZZT!* (Sparks)

Hovoth: ...Busted. Now then, let me try and flow near a landing spot on this planet... (Pushes buttons that releases flight sticks) Here we go.

(Meanwhile, on Tatooine's surface...)

Soldier: (Walks around) *Cough* Where's...


(61 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)

I've ben kinda lazy lately... need to do more stuff... but noone wants to do anything. tongue

We went to Myrtel (Sp?) Beach last year... tis was fun. Didn't send LSM a postcard. ;P

Oh yeah.

There is actually one tax (That I really cannot name right now) that you really don't have to pay, because the law (or any signed permit) does not state you have to pay it, it's just there for the government to make more money. (Laughs)


(72 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)

We could use another member...

Wonder where Nedles is.


(553 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)

Darth Jester,Mar 31 2009, 10:12 PM wrote:

Jester: (Turns around and uses Death Field on 3 people in the corner killing them)

Jester: There is 3 more.

Jester: (Starts laughing)

ROFL, Jester your ha-ha funny dude!

Darth Atrox,Apr 5 2009, 10:41 AM wrote:

(walks out of the bathroom, and farts)


"Wow i have to lay off the beans"

(Hands Atrox a bottle of Beano)

"Take Beano and there will BEANO gas!"


(83 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)

Starr,Mar 22 2009, 07:35 PM wrote:

(sighs) Must you boys always fight?! I'm sick of it!

Sorry, Starr, won't happen again.

(Goes in his quarters, and meditates in his shielded dome of meditation)


(357 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)

Hqaaaa - V. - 1. To laugh with a "Q" in it. [Jeff "Hqaaaa'd Benjamin when he couldn't leap the barb' wire) On April 5th of 2009, at about 10:56 AM Atrox founded this word. 2. To Kick someone. ["Haha! I Hqaaaa you!"]

For more information on correct Atrox terms, please visit:



Someone I know, me and him would make up stuff like this all the time. XD

Your tax money is paying for most politic's homes...

... and cars, and home inprovement (for them), and whatever. Haha!  lol

It'll bite one day.


(283 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)

Lightside Master,Apr 6 2009, 06:50 PM wrote:

things are kinda slow. dude, the weather is insane, like this weekend it was in the 70 and it's supposed to snow tonight.

It's weird over here too. It'll be hot, then cold, then warm, then hot... then cold... yeah, so any warm or cool weather for a week would be appreciated.


(116 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)

Lightside Master,Apr 6 2009, 10:19 PM wrote:

hehe, the new guys will figure it out eventually, or make up humor of their own like Hovoth and the rest of that group did. B)

haha, that was kinda like the Class of October 08, cause me, Hovoth, Nedles, and Spartan all joined around the same time. B)

(Plays Graduation song, Hovoth comes up)

Hovoth: (Waves)

Crowd: (Cheers)

Marines: (Fire several shots into the air)


Yeah, that was fun we (us) group joined.  big_smile  B)


(105 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)

Darth Atrox,Apr 7 2009, 01:44 AM wrote:

Hovoth:(hippy voice)
" dudeee... pass that"

I just totally said that out loud... (In a hippy voice)  lol


(61 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)

So, what's been going on lately, Zeph?


(484 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

Name: Sarlas Vorne

Race: Human

BackStory: A Promising Jedi Knight that rescued many slaves from an off-line Astroid Slave facility. The Jedi did not smile upon how he rescued them, or what he did after he rescued them and he was put into exile.

Weapons: A wopping SIX lightsaber user. I can't explain how he holds it, but he holds them: In both hands, both arms, in one leg, and one in his mouth.

Colors: Red, Silver, Blue, Green, Yellow, and Black

Haha - oohkay??  lol


(23 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

I have to make time to write the last part.

I was on a trip Saturday-Monday, so didn't have enough time.


(65 replies, posted in Jokes and Funny Stuff)

Darth Jester,Mar 31 2009, 09:21 PM wrote:

1 of my uncles was a cop and he said that he had to tazer this guy 1 night and the guy pooped his pants when he got tazered.

ROFL, I'm sorry but that's just funny.

The guy must have deserved it then.  lol


(40 replies, posted in Video Games)

I don't really get the term "Noob" a whole lot. I mean, if someone is a noob, then what does that make someone who isn't a noob?  :huh:


But anyways, I need to rebuy JK:JA because my old one is... er... sorta broke. lol


(31 replies, posted in Video Games)

Darth Jester,Mar 31 2009, 09:25 PM wrote:

I have played and beat the first game and It was fun until I got to the end and all you had to do is walk throw a door and that was the end. I was waiting and hoping for a boss to fight but I was let down.

That boss fight with...


Grinko wasn't enough? lol, it's hard as who knows what. It took me at least ten times to finally toss a smoke grenade at his location, charge up to him, and pump my Assault Rifle shells into him! XD