The link I included in my posts. Hover your mouse over my last post,a nd you'll see the words are clickable.

Read the link.

It explains it in the link, towards the bottom. In short, she sacrificed her life to save Anakin's life, and others.

I'm unsure of it as well, but from research, I can only find three known members of that race; Yoda, Vandar, and Yaddle.


(710 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

(Ah, going away for a while. I'll be on in a few.)


(710 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

Darth Oriah,Feb 19 2006, 04:05 AM wrote:

All of those listings are the Sith Philiosiphy, that is why I made a Jedi Section, your looking at both Sides, but more of the Sith.

Yes, those things are of the Sith's way, but what of the Sith's beliefs? The Philosophy that explains the Code of the Sith?

Well, Revan would be the most ideal to choose who would be the leader of all the Sith and the leader for the Jedi.


(710 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

I always considered him overall ruler of all the forum. Then I assumed there would also be a leader of all the Sith, and another leader of the Jedi.


(710 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

You rememebr Jedi Philosophy, but what about Sith Philosophy? *blink*


(710 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

Firstly, I think that you put oo many openings in the Master section. Secondly, you'll need to aproval off the Dark Lord of the Sith to get that out... say, who -is- the dark lord around here? Was it Darth Sion?


(82 replies, posted in Suggestions and Comments)

Ah, one step at a time. I mean, we're the only two members who've responded. Let Revan have his say at this, and then lets bring that up. (It may take a while, a few dyas at most.)


(208 replies, posted in The Dark Side)

The beginning had me fumbled. I wasn't sure whether to make it casual, or something comparable with the Declaration of Independence. *shrugs* It's somewhere in between there, not my finest work of literature.


(82 replies, posted in Suggestions and Comments)

Well, like I said, each clan would decide how it would be formed, with or without one supreme leader.


(710 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

I'm not sure if I'm up to the responsibility of become an official master. If the suggestion gets approved of, I'll be busy forming a new cult. But, I could help out around the temple when it was needed of me.


(208 replies, posted in The Dark Side)

Alright, I finally made the topic suggesting our little idea.


(82 replies, posted in Suggestions and Comments)

To Revan, and whomever else it may concern,

I want to suggest forming clans/cults within the Jedi/Sith/Neutral faction of the site. It's just an idea, but I feel that with some effort, it could become a reality, and could create much more interaction between people.

A clan would have its own laws (that would of course abide by the laws of the administrator) and constitution. An ideal of a clan would have one supreme leader, a small group of elders within the clan, and then normal members (and possibly even novices). A clan would also form its own phylosophy, whether a group of assassins, a Sith Cult dedicated to the destruction of te Jedi, or anything else that may occur.

These are just a few examples of what a clan or cult could be, but I want to get approval from Revan first, and also hear what the other members have to say about this. Please posts any comments you have.


(208 replies, posted in The Dark Side)

Ah, you're wise. I should have been thinking that first. I'll contact Revan, and see how he reacts to the thought.


Better yet, I'll put it on te Suggestion part of the forum. That way, I can contact both Revan, and all else who are interested.


(3,173 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)

*is tempted to say Star* Worse.


(208 replies, posted in The Dark Side)

Don't misunderstand me, I do want to confirm it with Revan, but I simply want to know what other Sith Masters think as well. Afterwards, if they agree, then I'll contact Revan. Who knows, he might even stumble upon this topic.


(64 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)

He was I, before I took on my title, Darth Tristus, ad became a Sith Lor- I mean, yes, he was I, and I was dark.


(208 replies, posted in The Dark Side)

Well, lets discuss it with other Sith before we discuss it any further.