(4,277 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

** Marx's ship speeds towards the Mandalorian ship, and slowly decreases speed. **

Marx: "I see the Mandalorian ship."

Gilo: "Magnetic force is lowly, and senser are picking up strong signatures coming from the Mando cruiser over there."

Marx: "Leaking?"

Gilo: "Not really, seems like something is releasing."


(484 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

** Sarlas' ship fires off into the sky, and pops into the clouds. **

Phara looks back at the small droid, Pox, and looks back at Sarlas. She shoots,"You know, that's not your droid."

Sarlas replies,"The owner isn't using it."

Phara states,"The owner's dead."

Sarlas looks at the map.

Sarlas: "We're heading to the Thule system - Cratus left a trail."

Phara: "Well then, we'll have to remain on alert, who knows what else is following him..."

Sarlas: (Laughs) "Nothing I can't handle."


(333 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

(The bus turns around, then backs up to the door)

Hovoth: Okay then, let's get to loading.


(83 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)

(Starts running with LSM to back of the hanger and sights something)

Hovoth: Hmm... *Takes out blaster and fires a shot at a chain holding a large storage container, dropping it on the Rancors*


(4,277 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

Name: Marx Tharlinas

Age: 26

Class: Jedi Knight

Side: Lightside

Background: N/A

Status: Marx is currently heading to the descent of the Mandalorian ship that Daan and Amos were heading by the council. He comes within sight of the ship's glow from the sun.

Stance: His lightsaber stance is based off of a balance control of both light and heavy attacks with the lightsaber.


(333 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

Hovoth: Right, let's do it quick - who knows when that group will get here...


(484 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

** Sarlas and Phara make their way to the outside of the cave, emerging to the bright grass of the Dantooine surface... **

Sarlas: "Did anyone find you here, during the time I was gone?"

Phara: "No."

Sarlas: "Alright then, let's go."

** Sarlas pushes the lift button, and steps on board. He then helps Phara up then pushes the lift again - thus bringing them up to the main hull. **


(83 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)

Hovoth: "We'll have to flee for now then!"

(Cuts down all of the rancors with quich thrusts of the lightsaber)

Hovoth: "Let's head back to the ship!"

Hovoth: (Looks up to see that him and LSM are in a trench and a Sith Criser is crashed above them over the trench)


(484 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

** Sarlas walks through a series of cave formation, and coming actoss a stone bridge also. He finally comes up the stone steps and enters a room to meet with a woman in a dark robe. **

Sarlas: "Hello, Phara."

Phara: "Valexania to you too, I suppose." *Turns around* "Cratus... you've heard about his... step of faith?"

Sarlas: "Yes... but I wasn't entirely sure if it was true or now... I... I was thinking if I should join him."

Phara: "Of course."

Sarlas: "I have nothing to go back to... nothing to lose... my mind feels at haze right now... I can't go back to the council with my troubled past."

Phara: "The slaver ship--"

Sarlas: "Was not the only 'bad' thing I did."

Phara: "Let us go then." *Starts walking out*

Sarlas: "Where?"

Phara: "To find Cratus... I'm sure your ship is here?"


(333 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

Hovoth: More zombies, eh?

(Opens case, and takes out some frags)

Hovoth: (Pulls pin, then tosses)


(4,277 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

Alright, I got the rundown. I'll jump in somewhere.

Oh yeah, this looks pretty tight.

Would like to see it also. big_smile


(83 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)

Hovoth: (Jumps into air and rips out lightsaber - stabbing it down)


(7 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)

Oh, okay. Sweet.  B)

(Takes it)

Hovoth: Yeah - yeah, nice schematics.

(Something catches his eye)

Hovoth: There seems to be a crawl space one the floors also, that's an optional passage.


(333 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

Hovoth: (Fires off several shots, reloads and fires again) I'm doing good for now!

** The bullets from the bus seem to wipe out all of the dangers... **

Hovoth: (Blows off weapon, then sits) Spawn... spawn... spawn.


(484 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

** Sarlas fires off his ship in a slashed direction, heading towards to planet's surface and watching the farms scatter themselves across the plains. The ship comes to a dark cave located just off a lake and lands... **

Sarlas: (Comes out of ship) Pox... watch the ship. I'll be back in a few.

** Sarlas slowly steps inside the caves, and bright torch lights become active, setting a lit path down the center. He walks down into the lair, rubbing his fingers on the cold crystals that seem to decorate the edges of the cave. **

Sarlas: (Looks around with cold eyes, seeming to know where to head in the cave)


(83 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)

Hovoth: (Gets up) Hmm... Jester!

(Pulls out lightsabers also)


(80 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)

Darth Jester,Apr 17 2009, 08:29 PM wrote:

What happened to Lt Ratt?



Hovoth: (On radio) Wait for the green light to deply chutes!

(All the pods fire down through the clouds, and launch their chutes, bringing them onto a beach)