(151 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

Konah:oh sad day you don't even remember your student


(151 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

Konah: George i haven't seen you in 4 years why would i just trust you like that hmmmm


(151 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

will post reply later have to leave


(151 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

Konah: Well don't you remember me George? anyway i would like to ask if i could join you in your quest to hunt the Sith down.


(151 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

"they are hailing us ma'am."

"put it through please."

Hears george talking then sees his face. how long had it been.

"George Kwei No title anymore. I'm sad i always liked it. first things first send that slug Mat here i wanna have a talk."


(117 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)

woahh down little lassy. lol okay master what ever you say(Sexy)


(151 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

"sir the fleet is ready to jump." says a navigator

"Good tell Konah. we will leave when she gets to the bridge."

a servant walks down the hall and feels a dark power. he walks into the room all the objects are hovering.

"uh-uh-uh My Lady the fleet is r-r-ready t-to Jump-p."

"i will be along in a moment son. don't be scared i'm not gonna hurt go to the food hall and get something to eat." she smiled at the boy as he ran as fast as he could down the hall.

A few moments later she reached the bridge.
"we ready to go then i guess?"

"we are ma'am."

"Wait Captain there is one vessel on the edge of the scanner."


(151 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

wow you make me mad

"Ma'am it will take some time."

She looked beyond mad. now he understood why she was not a normal jedi and was exiled. she joined the gray knights to be able to release this anger.

"you better work as fast as you can. so help me god when i get my hands on the general he will regret every making me mad."

"As you wish my lady. we have already begun to work on it."

She stormed from the room and they heard crashing in that hall out side the bridge. Jyrovac walks onto the bridge.

"what happened i assume that from the hall My master is rather mad?

"Yes she is now please try to calm her."

"I can try but no promises."


(117 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)

YES HE IS I win now getover it please


(151 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

"And Why is that General? I need to talk to him Now"


(117 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)

okay my bad hes like around 880 or so


(151 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

i hope so lol

"you want to pass on a message then fine here it is. So help me god if i don't speak to him you will lose everything that makes you a man do you understand General Mat?"

Tanquar looks very uncomfortable. he had heard that threat many times and wondered if she would follow through. he stepped towards the lady and said.

"Ma'am i think it best that we keep to the jedi code as much mentally possible."
He realized that as soon as he said it he shouldn't have.She turned sharply to him.

"thank you Captain Tanquar i am well aware of what to do."


(151 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

"they are putting us through ma'am."
Said The captain.

"good lets see what they have to say."

a few seconds go by the commander of the other fleet is on screen.

"I am Konah Kolar. The Gray knight. i am here seeking George Kwei the sliver knight and i request that you let me speak to him. if not i may or may not be forced to board you."


(151 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

Konah arrives on the bridge and looks as the ships crew busies its self with work. She walks up behind Commander Tanquar  and asks.

"have they found us yet?"

The commander jumps at the sound of her voice and replys.

"yes my lady they are just sitting there."

"well then we might want to talk to them before they leave wouldn't you agree commander?" she asks

he starts punching buttons.

"uh-um yes My lady."

Jyrovac enters the room and all the female officers glance longingly at him. He smiles and walks the the commanders chair.

"so Sir have you found us our silver knight. or have you been flirting with all the pretty girls." again flashing his smile.

the captain looks very annoyed at this point. He turns around in his chair and looks at the padawan with anger.

"I will have you know that i can send you off my bridge my young little friend." He smiles to him self thinking hes made the young jedi rather mad.

"Sorry sir just a question because there are alot of them on the bridge." He looks at the captain and smiles then walks back to his chambers.


(151 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

wow that is the longest one i have written yet lol im making progress


(151 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

Imperial Triumph fleet

Deck of Triumph.

Commander Tanquar Rikal is watching out the starboard view screen. watching the stars blur as they blaze by. They had been traveling to the small planet Ender for the past three days. Tanquar Rikal was worried that if they got there the silver knight might not be there he had expressed his concern to Lady Konah. She passed it off with"if not then we will keep looking till we find him" he was reading a data pad when Lirena(second hand ship captain) walked up.

Lirena: Captain we have reached Ender.

"I will inform the lady then. thank you Lirena."

He heads off in the direction of Lady Konah's training room.As her entered he saw her young padawan Jyrovac a young Nautolan. jump at his master with great speed and aggression. She blocked with blinding speed and jumped back.

"wait Jyrovac we have a visitor."

Jyrovac bowed to Konah and turned to the Captain.

"good afternoon sir" he said

"same to you young one" said the Captain with a hint of a smile knowing that title annoyed the young jedi.

"Captain please try not to have too much fun with my padawan. What was it that you needed?" Konah looked very serious they knew not to interrupt her and Jyrovac. He was behind on training and he needed th Extra practice.

"We have Reached Ender, I don't know if the Silver knight is still here."

"That is very good thank you now i will be on the bridge soon i must finish this with Jyrovac. If you don't mind" She replied with a smile

"Not at all my Lady please when ever your ready." He bowed and walked out of the room.

no i know that just blend it a tad more into the background


(117 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)

um no he was 900


(83 replies, posted in Star Wars Universe)

"hmm they seem to be enjoying themselfs well lets go jester"

*draws sabers*


(151 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

yeah when do we start i have been waiting and i need to up my post