(179 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)

You can bite me anytime smile


(235 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)

Hitsugaya is my fav smile


(21 replies, posted in Suggestions and Comments)

Lol is it fitting that Reven leaves never to return


(235 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)

uh good question probably gin Byakuya or hitsugaya


(235 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)

LOL Thanks that first one is my fav so steamy....


(235 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)

lol thats funny and this thursday smile


(235 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)

Yeah thanks my b-day is coming up on thursday and my bro is buying me #2 lol im so far behind. Glad you like the logo


(235 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)

Here is the logo i made a little while ago its really simple this is for a youtube channel so its no the normal logo

Youtube logo:http://img190.imageshack.us/img190/8089/guardiandesignsyoutubeb.png



(235 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)

Lol im pretty good i have a logo for my design company and all i mean my sigs arnt the best but they look pretty nice


(333 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

wow amos where have you been?


(76 replies, posted in Video Games)

Well im gonna torrent it tonight smile


(151 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

k thats all i needed. smile im gonna post one more time then i'm taking a nap i have a headache
She slapped him on the arm, and glared at him for acting like it was nothing. He could have died, it was a foolish mistake to take one 2 enemies at once. From now on if he wanted to go on missions with Kwei, he would be train with the silver guard.

"Go rest you will be training more then you normally do. Its going to be ten times harder, don't take me lightly." She smiled as his faded with her words.

"Now go i need to talk to george.....did you notice his presence, it was very cold." She said more to herself then Jyro as he left the room.


(151 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

can you write Jyro's part for now as you do george's?

As konah got done hugging Jyro she pushed him back, and inspected him from head to toe. As to make sure he was uninjured. As her eyes traveled down his left side. and saw the raw flesh. Her eyes grew dark and she finished her inspection. She looked him in the eyes they were black as ever revealing nothing. He still had that goofy grin he got when he did somthing he thought was "cool."

"So tell me what happened. Did you get to kill more then one? How are you still alive? hmmm that looked like a nasty wound."

She stared at him waiting for an answer.


(151 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

Konah had been biting her fingernails since she felt the stab in her side. She couldn't help but wonder if Jyro had died. She quickly push the thought aside. She had to believe he was alive. She looked up at the sound of the two entering. She stood and bowed to Master kwei then ran the where Jyro stood, and hugged him. Not knowing it she had really missed him, and feared he might have died.
Great post btw


(151 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

(Freedom's Bridge)

She had been watching as Kwei gave his orders. She was none to happy that he didn't allow her to go.

"Lady Konah...i'm Sorry its to dangerous." He said.

As they had argued the point if she was going on the boarding mission when Jyro walked in. He glanced at both of them with his black eyes. He knew the lady would be mad about what he was going to say but it had to be done. She had babied him to long.

"Master Kwei if I may. Would you let me go with you on this mission.?"

The knight considered the question before he answered.

"Yes but only if your get permission from your master." he replyed.

Konah Just looked at the young nautolan and smiled. she had trained him well. He was ready to do this.
"You may go but only if you promise to survive."

The boy smiled a wolfish grin.
"Of course."

As she stared at the battle going on she felt a pain in her side. It was abnormal it had never happened to her before. She sense more then thought Jyro was injured.
George could you add something in about him in that little fight and how he got injured?


(76 replies, posted in Video Games)

Well i don't want this to happen this is gonna ruin the game for me


(179 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)

Yep for sure lol


(187 replies, posted in Books and Literature)

i never did like it but anyway


(187 replies, posted in Books and Literature)

I really want to write a book about a kid who day dreams his entire life and while hes in history class they are discussing LOTR and he is day dreaming about it but "something" somehow sucks him into a fantasy world of his own and he becomes a warrior and is trained to use weapons to fight and stuff and leads an army to batter.


(50 replies, posted in Star Wars Universe)

spartan i can deal with a littl annoying kid but a full on ass hole not me

jester vs starr in bed