(83 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

Konah looks over at the body recognizing the Jedi Knight Nemo. She walks over calmly closing his eyes and bowing her head, "It was your time, and there is nothing we could've done, May the force be with you." she said plainly before she did anything next she reached into his robes and took out his saber and two saber crystals. Sighing she placed both hands a half an inch above his body and focused the force through her hands. A moment later Fire lept from her finger tips. The heat was intense for a brief moment, where the body laid was now a small pile of ash. Standing Konah looked at the other two, she tossed each a crystal and hooked the dead Jedi's Saber on her belt.

Let me know if you want to void that.


(83 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

Konah shifts her body unhooking her normal saber from it's place on her dark leather utility belt, noticing a change in Jester's Force being. It had shifted from a light pink, to a vibrant red. Frowning she kept following but kept her distance.


(83 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

Konah walks calmly after the others and takes no precautions as her confidence on the forces abounds the rest. She does however keep attentive watch over the other two Jedi, making sure their force beings stay their normal affinity.


(83 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

Konah looked from Jester to George, "I see no reason why not to...he has no power over me." she states bluntly, making mental note to reinforce he Shields. Pausing a moment not moving Konah mumbles slightly before closing her eyes, she mentally sees a Shield around herself protecting from the Force, in a cocoon of power. She opens her gray eyes, seeing both of the men before her in their force beings, Jester's slightly more red then it was before, and George's slightly dimmer than before.


(83 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

Konah looks at Jester, "No, you are a man lusting for power, and you are going down a path that none can follow. You truely are weak if you think you've become something more." she states bluntly, Walking on and looking at the sky.


(83 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

Konah looks blankly at him, "Why would you try to kill the Master of the Sith, when you are so weak yourself?" she states bluntly.


(83 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

Konah looks at Jester her face blank, "I had my saber, I just made sure I had another.' she states plainly. Looking from George she closes her eyes briefly pinching the bridge of her nose.


(83 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

Konah inside was shaking her head, watching the two men prove her points, she looked back at the council members, and bowed  low, "Until next we meet." She said dully, and turned to leave following the other two stopping by her quarters she grabbed her short saber and hooked it on her belt next to her normal blade, in case she needed to fight she would use that instead of the Full length. She walked slowly to meet the other after this, she enjoyed the sun shining down on her skin, reaching the door she saw the other arguing.


(83 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

Konah shifts her body towards George. Her eyes roving over him, her Sight watching the Brilliant blue flicker about, "You have gone to war, but you have not followed the Jedi code to the letter. You are no better then Jester." she says shortly turning away.


(83 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

Konah looks at him her eyes blank her face emotionless. She tilts her head slightly to the side, noticing a faint hint of red touch Jester's Force being, "You speak as one who has no hope." She says faintly, "If I wanted to become devoid of purpose I would follow in your footsteps." she whispers slowly, her face turning once again back to Master Quil and Master Thrik'Lozar.


(83 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

Konah looks over at Jester her eyes roving over the area he is standing near. Seeing nothing but the force she finally focuses on Jester, "I was a Medic for 3 years before I joined the Jedi, I have been training here since I was 20." she replies, her voice dull, "I am not bored, I am simply following the code." she lets out a small dead laugh, "There is no emotion." she recites quickly, before turning back to the others.


(83 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

Konah, looks around distracted a little ignoring the fickle conversation. She smiles lightly as she looks at the birds flying over the opening of the Temple. Their Force beings a glowing yellow. Looking around the temple she grows slightly glum again.


(83 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

Konah looked blankly at the Jedi Masters, "What must my done?" she asks as dully as before, her expression unwavering. Looking around at the other two she sees the faint outlines of their Force beings, Georges was a brilliant blue, and Jesters was a dark grey.


(74 replies, posted in Video Games)



(83 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

Just realized I am playing a Miraluka....
Konah looks at Jester, "I watched it yes, liked it? I didn't really care, Knight Eilian professed his love for me. It meant nothing to me, that is a breach in the Jedi code." She turns to the masters her face blank, "You summoned me here? What is it?" she inquires dully. Her gray eyes blank, her black hair waving in the slightly breeze, her tanned skin reflecting the sun lightly.

Master Thrik'Lozar looked from Konah and George, glancing at Jester with a brief glare. "We summoned you here for a few reasons, Lady Konah, and George. The First being Jester. The second being some recent developments as of late." he says his voice stern and cold. Looking from one to the next he stands back letting the other Jedi Masters speak.


(74 replies, posted in Video Games)

Heh, I don't want to pre order it, so I will get it when it is like...25$


(83 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

Konah, looks from Jester to George watching quietly waiting for something to happen. Her hands hang at her side, and her face is emotionless, she quietly repeats the Jedi code in the back of her mind, keeping her composure.


(83 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

Konah watched as George took brash actions such as Jeiil did. Remaining neutral she walked forward and bowed low to the Masters, before waiting for them to speak. She ignored Jester's voice through the force. "George...You might not want to draw your blade in the council chambers." she says dully.


(83 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

Konah looks at him, "Why should I know what he wanted with me? I was simply meditating." she say evenly, stopping  a moment she feels a pulse in the force with the voices of the Masters flowing towards her. Looking at George and the door, she shrugs and walks past him, in the direction of the Council Chambers.


(83 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

Konah looked at him her expression blank, "Never heard of you. As for the death of Master Jeiil, I know what happened, but for Jester no, I've no idea where he went." looks at him somewhat confused, "You look tired, maybe you should take a rest?" she inquires slowly.