(479 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)

LSM: "Her name is Susan..."

Jester: "How'ja know that?"

LSM: "I heard it in the wind..."



(795 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

... and Hovoth. I'm not leavin' this site any time soon.

Where art thou, real KoTOR 3... where art thou.


(333 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

Haha, you'll see why their named this soon.

Death: "You humans are so predictable... very predictable."

* Fate comes across the battlefield, bullets seem to bend away from him. He comes to one of his comrades... *

Fate: "Terror, take the fools shouting out their out. I have to take care of... the cryo-pure..."

Terror: "Master really thinks...?"

Fate: "--That he's here? Yes. Carry orders."

Terror: (Nods) "Of courssse..."

* Terror walks out the tent... *


(333 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

* Death chuckles, and looks over to the side where a very pale-white skinned man drops, landing on his feet. He's in a black leather armor... *

Death: "Where have you been Fate?"

Fate: (Makes a groan) "Attending to what you left behind up north..."

Death: "Look for him, and come back. I'll have fun killing the lessers."

Fate: (Nods and jumps down into the camp)


(237 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

Oh yeah, this RPG is dead though. It was mega fun though like 5 pages back.


(333 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

* The Dark Figure, Death, seemingly dodges the bullets with immense speed, he seems to dissapear away from the bullet, and into another direction... *

Death: (Chuckles) "Your bullets have no effect on me, mortals! Haha!"

Hovoth: (Kicks a crate open and lifts out a loaded RPG) "s**k on this!"

* He fires the rocket, and it strays into Deaths position - and explodes... The figure remains though... *

Death: (Shakes head 'no')


(333 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

* Captain McCloud comes out of his tent, and opens fire with his assault rifles on the zombies coming into the campment... *

Hovoth: "Where did they...?"

* The dark figure appears on the top of the wall... *

Death: "Death cometh."


(635 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

Hovoth: (Stern look) "So what now?"

Nolan: (Looks at the rest still holding the grenade)


(795 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

I dunno, barely anybody is coming on. hmm


(101 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)

One problem I have with Bush is this little story (Typing wuick cause I'm tiiiired...):

Two Hispanic born Men came to America, and passed through their Legal American Papers to become citizens of the USA. Soon after, they took up a job to be the South Border Control Guards. One day, an illegal Mexican had a van parked filled with drugs, the came and checked it out. The Mexican ran for it, even though they both told him to halt. As he was running they could see a flash comming from his beltside, and a shot came. They responded, and shot back. They shot him in the rear end, but he managed to jump over the border fence. Lawyers found him, and were like "Hey, we can fight for you and you can have those two put in jail" so that's what he did. Bush agreed, and PUT them in jail! People word bogging on him to release them, so he released a RANDOM prisoner (Drug dealer), and not the TWO that were perscicuted. I think they eventually got out, but before they were put in jail and had to be there for like 2-3 years!! Just for doing their JOB! Thats dumb.

Don't get me started on what Obama does and will do...


(116 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)

Got a wedding tommorrow. tongue So I probably won't be on Sunday.


(520 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

I will Jester, let me take some time to analyze his character. Just stall untill I think of something.

* The group eventually comes to a valley, with two hills beside eachother showing a passage between them... *

Marine: (Tosses rock into Passage...) "MC's Nav point is across this bearing."

Jay: "Then let's move then... what's your name, marine?"

Marine: "Private Links, sir."

Jay: "Okay - you can walk? Set your boots on the line."

(( Meanwhile... ))

Thell: "Five skilled warriors whom I would die by in any battle."


(484 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

Alright... *Sigh* haha... give me some time to cover LSMs character.

BTW I will be busy tommorrow and most likely Sunday. Friend of mine is having a very special day. Wedding.


(635 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

Nolan: (Grins) "Try me. There's no escaping this."

Hovoth: (Deactivates Lightsabers)

Nolan: "What are you doing Hovoth?"

Sev: "..."


Yeah, this is weird huh?

Oh, Starr, btw - if you can, can you jump in the Zombie RPG if you want. We need someone to cover LSMs characters also.


(4,277 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

I'll try to.

* Marx thrusts his lightsabers into the air, like a boomerang the lightsabers slash through the falling rocks, and turn into smoke and pebbles - all dropping around Marx... *

Marx: (Breaths) *Thinking* That move takes alot to guide it...

(( Meanwhile, Daan... ))

Daan: "Heh, I can give you a million 'strong' groups that where destroyed at their own courts..."


(116 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)

Oh okay.


(101 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)

Our taxes perhaps? Haha!

The Government is greedy... and did you guys hear about the Government shutting down companies that Republicans own? Democrats.


(116 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)


Where's Atrox, also, btw Jester?


(9 replies, posted in Video Games)

Yeah, I played and beat it on my bro's 360, I must say the graphics are some of the best I've ever seen - especially in CRISP HD!


(116 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)

Haha - that's my boy!!  lol

Same with Jester.