Darth Atrox,Jun 16 2009, 12:59 PM wrote:

yeauh agreeed.

Atrox! There you are.

* Fistpound *


(520 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

Jay: "Do you know where Foehammer is, or what the status of her actions are? More Marines are spread around this sector."

Links: "The Chief is one zero ground also. He's most likely blowing something up." (Laughs)

(( Meanwhile... ))

Bel'san: "What's our status?"

Thell: "We're going to leave in a little bit." (Speaks out to all his soldiers) "Make sure your Plasma Rifles have a fresh power cell, and your Carbines have fresh ammunition. You know how to fight in battle, and give your life for our brothers."

Ullono: "What are we facing? I have this thing about going headstrong into a hail of bullets, sir... I mean..."

Bel'san: "Ullono -- shut it. We'll know when we hit ground."


(484 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

Vector opens the door, and walks through with the door shutting behind. He sees Yi'shar looking inside the water tank with a few fish inside. "Sleep good?" Vector chuckles. "Not really... restless night." Yi'shar replies. They both come out of the room, and Yi'shar nods.

(( Meanwhile... ))

Cratus signals Zhoe to hold on and he walks over to the object to examine it.

(( Meanwhile... ))

Sarlas comes into the Hanger with Phara to be met with an Ithorian. The Ithorian stands at 7 feet, and golden bronze eyes. He wears cold silver armor and has a scar across his left eye.  "Sarlas?" the Ithorian asks. Sarlas,"Polon? I thought your were down on the surface...".

Polon states,"I was... but... I found out some rather... interesting news I thought you might want to hear in person." Sarlas crosses his arms and nods to Polon. Polon shoots "I found him."


(4,277 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

* Marx huffs stand on the ground with one eye open. And looks across, and sees Killax fall to the ground. He comes over, holding his side and catches his breath... *

Marx: "Thanks for the support..."


(4,277 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

Nah, he's your character, you should control him. Also, if you want you can take control of your other character in Cratus' thread if you want.


(635 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

Sev: (Whispers to Nolan) "What do we do with them when we get onboard?"

Nolan: "What we do with all prisoners."

Hovoth: "This ship should be ready to blow in less than five minutes, we have to hurry."


(520 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

Jay: "Right."

(( Meanwhile... ))

Thell: "This task is important - we mustn't blunder it."

Pilot: *Nods*

(( Meanwhile... ))

Xavier: "Of course - let's move!"

* Xavier began walking... *


(484 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

Yeah, and I just realized that Zhoe was supposed to be with him and not Shi-ki so just replace the two. big_smile


(4,277 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

Hey, LSM did you want control of Daan again?

* The lightsaber shoots back and goes over Killax - suddenly it statics and turns into Marx. He slings his lightsaber at Killax's back. *

Marx: "Take this!"

(( Meanwhile... ))

* Daan pushes it harder, not helping he quickly leaps back... *

Daan: "How...?"


(635 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

Hovoth: (Comm) "Karvan we're about to head over to the docking bay."

Nolan: "Okay now, follow us to the docking bay... and don't try anything funny."

* The group starts walking to the docking bay... *


(479 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)

Hey LSM! Missed ya!

That's sweet, me and Jester have pretty much been chatting. Atrox will be on in a couple of days probably.


(520 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

* Jay looks at the elite being placed inside the Pelican, with a fixed look. A questioned look seemed to bleed through his eyes, and looked away with his eyes closed. He then looks back at the Doctor. *

Jay: "We need to worry about now -- who's headed this Pelican?"

(( Meanwhile... ))

* Thell pondered on what Vali said, and was snapped out by Pahv's voice... *

Pahv: "What's the plan?"

Thell: "We're parting from here now. You heard; let the rest our brothers know what we're doing." (Looks over at the Pilot) "Are you ready to go?"

Pilot: "Yes sir."

(( Meanwhile... ))

Xavier: "We need to find a hill around here, and set up a communication. I heard some Pelicans have been dropped over a stray signal. We need to contact them if we hope of getting of this Covie dump."


(4,277 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

LSM! There thou art!

* Marx strains in the air, and grips his lightsaber. Is this it? So quickly, his morale drops, a sense of hope is clammered. His eyes become weak, but the force bellows within his mind - a sense of confidence stricks him across his chest... the force. With increased strength he lifts his hand and force pushes Killax back - somehow it seems as though he cut rope with scissors, and he lands on the ground... coughing for air, he then wells up and stands to his feet, with his lightsaber gripped. *

Marx: "Your dark ways can't chasten themselves to my mind!"

* He gives out a small chuckle, and takes a few steps back. His face becomes straight, and he looks at Killax with stern eyes - eyes of a Gundark almost. He slashes the ground several times, and produces a heavy grey smoke in the grounds, and becomes invisible in it. A lightsaber shoots out of the smoke and misses Killax... *

(( Meanwhile... ))

* Daan sits there with his lightsaber through Zorvon, the battlefield is cold quite and nothing but the light of the lightsaber is shown... *

Daan: "The force is not on your side..."

((Sorry if that sounds cheesy, but he needed something to say!  big_smile ))


Oh, btw Starr you said: forward onto Daan - there is a ship in Halo 2 and 3 called "Forward Unto Dawn", it just popped up in my head when I read it, thought I would mention it.  big_smile


(484 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

Vector sits up, and rubs his eyes - focusing on the bright mood that seemed to seep from under the door. He get's up, and puts on some clothes, then exits the room.


The caves are dark, and are held by dry vines, and hot dirt. The inside of the cave seemed to glow with unknown light, and cries of monsters and creatures echo inside the cave. Cratus comes through a series of large corridors, that had seemed to be burrowed and finally comes to a well dug-out room with a glowing piece in the middle. It was blowed beneath three stones, smoke and dust spat out of the cracks. "Found it." Cratus states.


Kars runs up out of the room, and catches Sarlas before he leaves. "C'mon buddy, no cold looks next time." he throws. "Polon is down on Tatooine." he adds. Sarlas smiles a little at the edge of his mouth, and nods. "Thanks." And straightens his face as he leaves.


(635 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

Wow, Starr your right - Cratus' topic is alot better than this Turn-based word sentences... tongue


* Nolan let's the commando go, and steps to the opposite side... *

Nolan: "Your under arrest under Justice's house, by the Republic."

Hovoth: "Do what we say, and we shouldn't have an complications."


(479 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)

Yeah, I wish it was like November of 2008, where it was crazy active on here. (even with just like 5 or six members (and more))


(410 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)

Those are some awesome art pictures Starr!

The last one should be like "Dragon Warrior" or "Dragon Empress" or something. I liek Dragon Hunter though.  big_smile


(333 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

Hovoth: "What happened to the Captain??"

Soldier: "He's gone! We looked for him, but he--"

Hovoth: "-- They took him!"


(520 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

* Jay get's up, and gives a fake chuckle. He pokes his tongue through his lower cheek. He gives a sigh, then smiles... *

Jay: "So, do you mind telling what that's all about Doctor? Didn't hear anything about a rogue elite in my memo, excuse me."


Thell: "I seem to recall a brave soldier with the war name of Ardo vanishing in the explosion of a UNSC ship called the... how humans call it... 'Texas Spades'? Unless I'm talking about another soldier..."


* Xavier comes over to Grim, and rests on a small rock. He takes out some gum, and tosses one in his mouth, chewing it consistantly... *

Xavier: "I'm assuming we are holding this position untill we get some boots rounded over here?"


(484 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

Vector's eyes turned cold, and his teeth gnashed together. The hue was blue in the room, he watched them both walk out the doorway. Vector's rage become a flaming beast inside his heart, and stabbed Rane repeatedly in the back.

He took his hand and rubbed it across his head, and close his eyes. The room become cold, and whispers of the wind seemed to echo through the corridor. He wanted Sara to be safe... and felt helpless for some reason. A wall seemed to close around her.


Cratus and his padawan came across the dreaded hot sands and closed on to the outside of a Krayt Dragon Lair. "I sense the artifact inside these caves." Cratus' eyes burned with the desire of the object, and was covered up by a serious face of default.

He feels the sand, and picks up an ammount and let's it drain through his fingers. "Let's move inside... the dragon shouldn't be back until another hour. Shi-Ki asks,"How did you know?" With a reply of a smirk, he heads into the caves.


Kars' eyes light up, and he bends down to open the case. Sarlas looks at him with cold eyes. Kars opens it up and gives an excited laugh - then drops his eyes on Sarlas. "Thank you, brotha. You don't know how much these mean to me." Sarlas replies,"And do you have what I need?" Kars, dissappointed in response simply kicks a green metal box back to Sarlas. Phara silently watches.

"Your going to have to talk to some jedi master - or even medical doctor about that thing inside of you." Kars shoots,"I'm sure it's difficult with a burden residing over you... waiting to take you over." "Thank-you." Sarlas simply states, and walks out of the room. Phara follows with a purplexed look.