(29 replies, posted in Video Games)

I think both of those have been dropped, Atrian.

Tensa Zangetsu,Jun 18 2009, 01:59 PM wrote:

That's good, all is good here, my daughter is 5 weeks old now and my wife is doing good, just thought I'd check back in and see how everything was going on the forums.  Nice changes since I've been gone by the way smile

Congrats on the baby!  B)

We're not doing a whole lot now actually, I decided to make everyone talk on the Talk board, because we were mostly on the FanFic/RPG Forum.


(55 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)

Oh, you have a farm Jester? Actually, where do you live? In the city, or on a farm? I live out in the country, and we own a good piece of land. We're not hillbillies or country hicks... or whatever other people think we are. We have a 42" in the Living room! HD baby! Hahaha! (Goes insane)


(520 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

Jay: "Right... is there any word on Captain Keyes? Word has it that he didn't take an escape pod... and the Captain... has survived much worste, but still..."

(( Meanwhile... ))

Ullono: "I'm still concerned... call it my gut instinct."

Bel'san: (Growls) "We do this stuff all the time, Ullono! What is the big concern?!"

Ullono: "Instinct, Bel'san!"

Thell: "Alright, cut it you two. I'll radio in to Vali and see if their ready."

(( Meanwhile... ))

Xaveir: "Nice tracking skills, Grim! Feeling like Luis and Clark here! Haha!"

( Grim looks at Xavier with a complexed look... )

Xavier: "Oh, well that was a loooooooooong time ago, something from history." (He chuckles, and continues to walk)


(484 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

Vector looks at Yi'shar with a funny look. Yi'shar replies,"What did I do?" Vector chuckles a little bit, with one hand on his waist leaning on the doorway. "Okay, you said you found him, right?" Vector states.

(( Meanwhile... ))

"So what is it exactly?" Zhoe shoots. Cratus just gives out a small chuckle, and continues to look at it. "It's an interesting object with interesting properties. I originally thought it had been lost a long time ago, and questioned it being here before I landed here... but I felt it as soon as my foot touched the planet."

Zhoe nods, and asks,"So how do we move it?" Cratus stands up. "We don't move it..." He looks at the Crystal,"We remove it."

(( Meanwhile... ))

Polon enters onto the ship and is greeted by POX. He just steps around it, and looks back with a strange look. He comes up to the main console, and sets up the controls for takeoff. Sarlas and Phara enter on after. "Can you take us down to Tatooine? I need some time back here." Sarlas asks Polon, with the reply from Polon of 'yes' he goes into his quarters.

"Your significate structure is interesting I must say. Over the years, I've seen you battle countless enemies... their inferior design couldn't even ammount to your noted skills." a voice seems to echo in Sarlas' head. "What do you want?"

"Your body of course. Since I can't do that, I might as well help you. If you die, I die... now we can't have that can we?" it replies. "Your nothing but trouble, you know that? I should have removed you a long time ago." Sarlas state. "Hahahahaa... you know you can't 'remove' me, Sarlas... I'm imprinted in your mind - incrypted into your DNA... but of course, I'm forced to serve you."

"The force can..." Sarlas states, but is cut off. "The force can't remove me... I'm forced to help you... you should be grateful, shel'dar. You don't even deserve my help... you have potential... your not on the light, and you hope to serve some fool that thinks he can unite his own Empire, and claim a title as Sith Lord? Hahaha... fool! I'll leave for now... I'll let you quarry... but eventually, I will have to step in, and feed you."


(4,277 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

* Marx nods, and picks up his dropped lightsaber... *

Marx: "Daan... is... still in... trouble with that other guy..."


(635 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

* They finally come inside the hanger... *

Hovoth: "The Prisoners will go on another ship with Karvan. We'll take a seperate one and trail behind. We need to make it back to the Killjoy."

* Karvan, meeting them, tells the prisoners to enter into the ship and signals Hovoth that he's good. Hovoth nods, and enters the ship with Nolan and Sev coming in behind... *


(333 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

* Mark pulls the bus up, and opens the door. Hovoth is already in there... *

Mark: "Get in!"


(237 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

Hovoth: "Maybe we an cut them off from above, using Hyperdrive?"

Captain Villa: (Thinks) "It's a nice plan... but I don't think we can. We can't risk hitting their ship with ours if we miscalculate..."

Hovoth: "Hmm... yeah, your right right there.


(22 replies, posted in Video Games)

Darth Atrian,Jun 18 2009, 09:41 AM wrote:

hahahahahahahah HOVOTH!!!

i love cod4 with a passion!! i play it almost every weekend when i'm with my friend. and yes it is the best military game i have ever played also. but just don't get WaW it sucks cow nipple. but cod4's live is SICK!!! so many guns, so many people, so many headshots, so many grenades, and yeah. favorite game of all time.

(oh and Starr, anything beats HALO.)

Oh yeah? That's awesome, and yeah it's an awesome genre.

I wouldn't get Starr riled up, she carries a large stick!  lol


(479 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)

Oh, Atrox, question: What was the reason of why you change your name from Darth Sion to Darth Atrox? Just curious over here.  big_smile


(55 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)

That's cool. What's all of you guys plan this summer? I only have really like two events this summer, so I'm not going to be doing a whole lot.


(101 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)

He might be doing something. Him and Starr haven't done the RPG in a long time, dunno what's up...


(3,173 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)

Darth Jester,Jun 18 2009, 03:57 AM wrote:

I will never let this topic die while I am on this site.

Haha! Okay, Jester.  B)




(55 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)

Okay, this is free talk. So this should keep the converse alive for a while on this site, because the only thing consistantely active are the Fan-Fic and RPG Forums.

So, how's everyone here doing?


(479 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)

I finally did my title, ya like?

Yo, I'm doing good btw. Don't think I've met you...

I'm Hovoth btw -- the only lightsider on here... at the moment I think.  lol


(795 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

* Hovoth comes inside a dark stone hallway, and exits into a dark and blue-green throne room, and comes before a dark man sitting on the throne... *

Hovoth: "They're near us... what should be we do?"

Darth Vall: (Laughs) "Let them come then... summon a few dark jedi, and rally them. Watch from the camera on their helmets."

Hovoth: (Nods) "Of course..."


(237 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

* Hovoth in his Cruiser follows their ships with several Frigates trailing beside him... *

Hovoth: "Captain, I need to get on that ship!"

Captain Villa: "Of course... now hold on, jedi - we're gonna enter a battle!"


(333 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

* Hovoth laughs at Rhyykol, and then get's serious. *

Hovoth: "Okay, we need to mount the bus and get out of this camp. We'll follow their trail, and hopefully find the captain with them. And their names are lame! Hahaha!"

* Mark comes up... *

Mark: (Swallows) "Well I'm coming with you. I've got to do something..."

Hovoth: "That's the spirit, Mark! Now let's go! We have to catch them!"

* Hovoth's walks over to the bus, and Mark jumps in the driver's seat. *

Mark: "I'll drive!"