(615 replies, posted in The Light Side)

Konah looks around as she stands up, "I love Bantha Milk." she mumbles almost to herself.


(372 replies, posted in The Dark Side)

big_smile  big_smile  big_smile  big_smile  big_smile  big_smile  big_smile Thanks!


(87 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)

Well that is fantastic! More little Jedi running around is never a bad thing.


(58 replies, posted in Star Wars Universe)

That is the main reason I only really play Lotro. An online Lord of the Rings game for free. I enjoy that much more than TOR


(615 replies, posted in The Light Side)

Konah slips off the stool and in the process pushes the drink towards Spartan's lap. "Ooops." She says as she falls.


(372 replies, posted in The Dark Side)

*sigh* and I give up now. You are indeed power, though you are the power over nothing more than yourself.


(615 replies, posted in The Light Side)

Konah raises an eyebrow, "You might have won a battle of power, though you seem to lack wits." She muses, "As for your saber", she motions to the black hilt, "I'd assume it's beauty is not reflected by it's owner." She laughs.


(58 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)

Yeah, that is a great analogy.


(372 replies, posted in The Dark Side)

*sigh* Point. Proven.


(372 replies, posted in The Dark Side)

Goodness you boys are all the same. Just wanting power and going about it all the wrong ways.


(615 replies, posted in The Light Side)

Konah frowns at the mans words and smiles again as he deactivates his saber, "I might say yes, but then how would I know if you were going to accept that for an answer?" she asks taking the drink and swirling the straw playfully.


(615 replies, posted in The Light Side)

Konah smiles, "Ah and why might you "have" to kill me. I simply noticed your folly, and you lack on control." she say her smile clear. Despite her smile her left hand falls casually to her silver saber hilt.


(615 replies, posted in The Light Side)

Konah leans forward again watching the man, "Oh that's a pretty colour, and you...plan to kill me?" She asks Skeptically


(615 replies, posted in The Light Side)

Konah looks at the man, "That has nothing to do with our current situation, you should really drink less." looks around at the people gathering.


(615 replies, posted in The Light Side)

Konah removes her hand from her saber. She leans forward and places her elbows on her knees, a smile touching her lips. "Oh is the big strong man going to hurt me? Please, mister don't." she chides, leaning back she lets out a small giggle.


(615 replies, posted in The Light Side)

Konah raises an eyebrow, "Only being cautious. Though it would seem as if you are the one with the problem." she notes, pointing towards his drink and the two others being made.


(38 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)

People who talk to themselves. Silly.


(615 replies, posted in The Light Side)

Konah looks down at her drink and pushes it aside. Resting her left hand on her saber hilt she watches the two at the bar.


(14 replies, posted in Video Games)

If KOTOR III isn't made I shall just wallow in self-pity.


(50 replies, posted in Video Games)

Maaaan You cool kids. I am still rocking an Original Xbox, the thing hardly runs anymore.