(4,277 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

* Marx comes over to the crumbled wall, and picks up a few rubble rocks... *

Marx: "Interesting."


(484 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

Oh, okay. Sounds sweet.

Sarlas drives the hovering vehicle over to the other group, and stops it. He jumps out, and gives an affirmative nod. "Alright, let's go... we can still catch him before he leaves." The group jumps in, and head for the caves.

Sarlas seemed to frown, his eyes bellowed with dark aura. He closes his eyes, but images of a great beast flash before his bright vision. His pupils turn small, and his eye color begins forming red and blue.

But, he is snapped out by Polo asking,"Can you still sense him?" Sarlas, rubs his forehead, and then his eyes. He finally looks up, and nods.

(( Meanwhile... ))

A large beast, the Krayt Dragon, crawls up the hot sand and nears the cave. It pauses, and smells the ground. It's mouth drools with blood of mauled prey, and it's mind is set to kill anything else that dares to invade it's 'territory'.


(4,277 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

* Marx looks around the large, dark, and cold building and looks ahead... *

Marx: (Nods) "I'll try to be prepared for the worst."

Hent: "Did you want to open your package yet?"

* Hent says that, pointing to a medium-sized crate. The Crate seems secure, and very heavy... *

Hovoth: (Looks at the box, and covers his necklace with a key on it) "Not yet."

Hent: "Your going to have to open it some time." (Smiles)

Hovoth: "Yeah... not now though."

(( Meanwhile, above Deck... ))

* Captain Jall walks up to the main console area. A Rodian sits in the chair, typing on the console very quickly... *

Captain Jall: "How far are we away, Kels?"

Kels: "Err... about 25-30 minutes actually... umm, sir."

Captain Jall: (Nods) "Good. And relax, and make yourself at home."

Kels: "Y-Yes sir."


(337 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)

Oh really? That's cool Jester.

I shot my brother's M9 the other day. Very nice weapon, I have to add.


(3,173 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)



(635 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

* A Clone comes up behind Hovoth, and nods... *

Clone: "We are just about near our destination. I'll go ahead and radio the Killjoy to set cords towards our next point."

Hovoth: "Alright then. Thanks."

(( Meanwhile... ))

Karvan: "Okay then. We'll wait until we get to the Killjoy, and see what the Interrigation officers do... maybe they can make them talk."

* A Clone soldier runs up to Karvan, out of breath... *

Karvan: "Yes?"

Clone: "Sir - the Killjoy is under attack!"

* Hovoth nods, and heads to the Cargo room, below the ship. He meets up with a rather scruffy-looking man with a vibroblades hooked to his back. His beard is rugged, and his hair is wrapped in a pony tail... *

Hovoth: "We're headed to Tatooine. So make some room, Hent. The Captain is going to be adding something here, I'm sure..."

Hent: (Nods) "Aye, of course. And what of the other mates?"

Hovoth: "News'll spread."

(( Above deck... ))

Captain Jall: "Not this time. We're in a sense good pirates... well, better that the rest I guess." (He gives out a hardy laugh) "I don't want to risk anything before the big trip..."


(3,173 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)


Best thing I could come up with.  big_smile


(55 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)

I liked Billy Mays better than Micheal Jackson. Billy Mays was like the best Pitchmen ever. Period! I hope his son steps up, to be a pitchman, he copied his dad one time and was like a match!


(337 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)

Starr, what would be the biggest (in your sense) gun that you've ever shot? Curious over here. The biggest one I shot was a scoped Rifle, can't remember what type it was though. Got a fantastic shot on a glass bottle.


(520 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

* Jay looks over at Foxe, and nods. *

(( Meanwhile... ))

Thell: (Nods) "We're set also. Your Pelican will lead us to the location."

Ullono: "Ahh... trailers."


(484 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

Oh, okay. What's the fragile Alliance thing, Starr?  big_smile  Got me curious...


(635 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

Sorry guys, haven't been on in a while.

Hovoth: "We're headed back to the council. Hopefully they can find out what to do with the prisoners." (Rubs head) "I don't know what to think of them. We're going to regroup with the KillJoy before we head back and we'll put the prisoners in holding cells."

(( Meanwhile... ))

* Karvan nods to the pilot and walks back to the prisoners... *

Karvan: "Talking yet?"

Hovoth: "Tatooine. Someone left the Captain something... don't know what though. I don't know how long we'll be there, though."

(( In ships' control room... ))

Captain Jall: "No, we're sticking to trade ships on the way to our destination... it will save us time, and it would most likely be more convenient."


(55 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)

Two of my brothers played football, and they liked it. Never made it to any of their games though.

Billy Mays (aka the Oxi-Clean Guy) Passed away yesterday.  yikes

Captain Jall: (Looks at Zane) "We're stopping by Tatooine. I have a present there for me left by an old koot."


(635 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

Hovoth: "Meditatate in the brig, and descuss this with the council... you mustn't give into the darkside... or you'll pay the price that it carries."


(17 replies, posted in TV Shows, Movies and Music)

Starr,Jun 24 2009, 09:24 PM wrote:

Saw it!!!! So awesome! Optimus is badass in this one man! Kicks some serious Decepticon ass!


Yeah, I'll probably wait untill DVD.



(195 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)

Yeah, it was a surprise.