(4,277 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

Kilax lives!

Marx: "This power coming from where they are is off the charts."


(635 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

Hovoth: "Heavy ION ship blasters it looks like from the damage marks."

Karvan (Comm): "Confederacy weapons?"

Hovoth: "I'm unsure."

Hovoth: "And if you have scanners built into you, don't even think about it."

HK-56: "Agreement: Of course, Master."

* The group gets in the lift and stops onto the top deck... *

Tis awesome, Starr.

Mine owns all though!  :angry:

No, just kidding.  big_smile


(127 replies, posted in TV Shows, Movies and Music)

Starr,Jul 7 2009, 09:56 AM wrote:

^ Oh, come on guys... don't ruin my fan girl dreams with info like that. Keep that kinda stuff to yourself.  tongue

Bwah ha ha!  tongue

Well, that's how he was described in the books. (Or was it a movie script for the Halo Movie?) But he looks pretty cool when I drew his face. If I find the picture anywhere, I will post it up for you Starr.  wink

Starr,Jul 7 2009, 09:56 AM wrote:

I understand the Army cut, the freckles (faded of course), and the scars. But a pale white face? Can't really see it. I mean, you really think they walk everywhere wearing their helmets (or armor for that fact) all the time? The stuff weighs almost a ton.

Master Chief is practically glued inside his helmet. He's mostly in a Cryo Chamber tube, so that might explain some, and he is always in Space... so no tan can get his skin!  lol

Starr,Jul 7 2009, 09:56 AM wrote:

In Halo 2 MC had his helmet off, and in Halo: The Cole Protocol, Adriana was walking around dressed in civilian clothes. I rest my case.

He also took it off in Halo 1... but you really want to know the true identity of Master Chiefs mask? Under his mask... is another mask! See look:


Hovoth: "Augh... never liked anybody trailing me. Alright lets go... you too HK-56."

HK-56: "Reply: Of course, Master."

* The group moves back to the ship and realize a loading in process. The crate is rather large, and is being slowly loaded onto the Ship... *

HK-56: "Remark: One might wonder what is in that box."


(635 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

Pilot: "Scans show... nothing, master jedi."

* Hovoth looks, and tries to find something but nothing is there... just the damaged Killjoy... *

Hovoth: "Karvan, keep on my tail. Let's get near that ship."

* Both ships come near the Killjoy and trail beside it... *

Karvan: (Comm) "What hit it?"


(44 replies, posted in Video Games)

Starr,Jul 7 2009, 09:50 AM wrote:

Any of y'all seen the gameplay vids? Um, hello, SW:RC anyone?

Oh yeah, they do look very semetrical. Almost like a sequel really.  :blink:

Bungie taking ideas.  big_smile Actually, their just building off of other ideas. Now, if they had a squad command feature, a lawsuit is on the way.  lol


(138 replies, posted in Video Games)

Starr,Jul 6 2009, 05:44 PM wrote:

Yeah, can't wait for that one either! HALO RULES! ^_^

Sorry... had to do it.  wink

P.S. The vid is exactly 1:17 long... in reference and tribute to MC.  wink

Oh yeah, it is.  wink

And yeah, interested in it because there are more Spartans and sorta wanna know what the Story will be, and how the Gameplay will be.


(337 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)

Darth Atrian,Jul 6 2009, 10:07 PM wrote:


Oh yeah, I am such a sucker for military action games... especially Call of Duty. It sorta reminds me of Halo, because you never see your person's face, and he never talks. (Except two people: Price, and Mactavish) Jackson was sorta seen on the front cover of Modern Warfare 1, I think that is him actually.

Darth Jester,Jul 7 2009, 12:30 AM wrote:

I think it is to much like Call of Duty.

Yeah, it is Call of Duty. They just dropped the 'Call of Duty' because it's pretty much trailed on the first one. It might actually be a series by itself.

Starr,Jul 7 2009, 09:23 AM wrote:

Call of Duty's cool but you guys know where I stand. ^_^ (Whispers) Halo...  wink

Haha, well Call of Duty sorta owns Halo in Single Player Experience in a sense.  big_smile

Although that last Legendary Ending of Halo 3 is teh awesomest! (Yeah, take that Grammer education!)


(484 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

The speeder come in right before the cave, and stops. Sarlas jumps out and looks into the caves. "Where's the Krayt--" Just then a full-sized Krayt Dragon falls ontop of the ground, not far from where they were. Sarlas looks back, surprised.


(520 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

* Jay nods... *

Jay: "Yes, very strange..."

(( Meanwhile... ))

Thell: "Channel it to my screen."

(( Meanwhile... ))

* Xavier comes over to the crashed site and looks into the escape pod... *

Xavier: "Your right... perhaps the rest of the Elites raided their ammunition before they left? But... I'm sure their not familiar with our weapon statistics."

Marine: "Some elites have studied our Weapon machanics and have been trained to use them also... but most of the time, they prefer their own weapons. I mean, I've never seen one of the elites."

* A Fuel Rod shot is seen shooting into the sky about a mile from them... *

Xavier: "Hunters. We need to avoid them."


Hunters are beasts of Armor, and Marines will have a baaaad time with them. Usually heavy weapons: MGs or SPNKR Rocket Launchers would be used to face them when no Spartan is present.

Hovoth: "I was hoping to not make a fuss of us around here like that... but whatever. Are you done with your blood thirst, Zane? Now let's head back, I'm sure the Captain has the package now."

HK: "Question: Captain? My remarks of such the word make me double-check my admission logs of you being my Master."

Hovoth: (Looks back at Aani) "Master?"


(635 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

Hovoth: "Stand down, patience isn't a skill you've perfect is it?"

* Hovoth comes onto the comm link... *

Hovoth: "Karvan, trail behind me. We need to get within visual range of them."

Karvan: (Comm) "Will do."

* Both ships come into range of the Killjoy... *


(337 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)

Oh, okay.  big_smile

Boy... can't wait till Call of Duty: Modern Warefare 2! Just check out this video:


* Hovoth walks over to the HK and looks into the eyes... *

Ithorian: "Take it! I've been meaning to take that droid out..."

* The HKs eye's light up... *

HK: "Model number 563-0002... at your service."

Hovoth: "Alrighty then... let's take it."

Ithorian: "Wise choice!"


(520 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

Jay: "Looks like he really isn't on equal terms with the covies."

Links: "Tsh... who is?"

(( Meanwhile... ))

* The phantom accelerates and follows the Super carrier... *

#137 - Rarely anybody dies differently from anyone else.

#138 - Blasters don't kill you in one hit.


(410 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)

Okay, sweet.  big_smile


(337 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)

Me: "Ha! Meant to aim for your foot!"

Spartan: "What- why?!"

Me: "Starr said to say that."  big_smile