(56 replies, posted in The Old Republic (MMORPG))

Yeah. That's true. But it takes soooo long xD


(56 replies, posted in The Old Republic (MMORPG))

Well not reaaaaally. PC does have better graphics. But yeah the prices are wack most of the time.


(56 replies, posted in The Old Republic (MMORPG))

Well it depends it can cost from 40-70. I got the new LotRO expansion last year and that was 70.


(56 replies, posted in The Old Republic (MMORPG))

I just hope it doesn't cost too much on the PC


(2 replies, posted in TV Shows, Movies and Music)

I dislike them. Their sound is just too auto-tuned for me


(56 replies, posted in The Old Republic (MMORPG))

Haha, yeah force lightning is appealing for sure. And I agree Battle front 1-2 are the only SW games I can stomach using a blaster, and #3 is supposed to be amazing


(56 replies, posted in The Old Republic (MMORPG))

Actually to be honest I just like Lightsabers. The blaster classes are cool in this game, no doubt about that, but the force and lightsabers are what drew me to star wars an has kept me here.


(27 replies, posted in Books and Literature)

Oh I'll be posting them, just gotta set aside some time for them  big_smile


(56 replies, posted in The Old Republic (MMORPG))

Ahhh, yeah I am the opposite. I love the Jedi classes, I don't mind playing a baddie every now and then, but Jedi are my favorite.


(34 replies, posted in Video Games)

Yeah it really sucked in #3 imo


(27 replies, posted in Books and Literature)

That would be interesting, not sure if I'd be able to do it, but it could be cool xD. I really want to write a few short Star Wars Fanfics based on my Original idea of Konah.


(56 replies, posted in The Old Republic (MMORPG))

Well I beta tested it before it was ever released several times. Each time I only played Jedi Consular because their description in all the other Kotor games interested me more. They're very fun to play. Currently since rejoining, my highest is a Jedi Guardian, very fun to tank and dps with. On sith side, I like playing a Sith Sorcerer, fun to just light people with with electricity. I also really like the Imperial Agent.


(27 replies, posted in Books and Literature)

I've flip-flopped a lot. I'd love to write a book, but I have so many ideas that are really just glorified fan fiction stories. I've written lots of 1-2 page stories for the Lord of the Rings fandom. I even had a 20 page story of a story, but it was too close to Lord of the Rings for me to continue, so I swapped a few things and turned it into a 20 page fan fic.

I don't know if I want to do Sci-fi or Fantasy/High Fantasy. I love both genres but not sure. I might be better off writing a few 5-15 page short stories for right now and compiling them into a small book and see if anybody actually likes it.

I've been told by a lot of people that I have the potential, and creativity. But personally I lack the drive or the...idk. But thinking on a scale of how I want it. I have to break away from my fandoms.

Other wise, I'll just be another fan fiction writer, and nobody is going to read a lotr book that isn't made by Tolkien, so it will take a lot of time to break away from my writing problems, but I think once I do I could probably get a short book published, maybe even a small novel.


(34 replies, posted in Video Games)

There will be some killer double gun kills. Gonna look sweet


(56 replies, posted in The Old Republic (MMORPG))

Depends on what you're asking about. Story 8/10. Combat 7/10. Graphics 6/10 they need to be updated. Gameplay 8/10. Overall 7.5/10


(34 replies, posted in Video Games)

Going to be honest, I dislike games where you can't jump, or swim.


(56 replies, posted in The Old Republic (MMORPG))

I started playing because I needed a break from LotRO. But it's really turned into a game that I would like to play to the end


(56 replies, posted in The Old Republic (MMORPG))

Alright. We all kinda dislike this game. It's not Kotor III and it's a shitty excuse for the Kotor Series.

That being said, I've recently gotten into the game with a friend of mine. The side quests are eh. But every class has their very own story line, and epic quest.

It's rather fun really, despite my Jedi Guardian not being able to hack of limbs. If you guys think about giving this a try, I have 6 toons (Three Sith, and Three Republics) on Jedi Covenant(East Coast Server). My main is Shealea(Konah is on another server, or someone stole my name) So shoot me a message.

It's free to play all the way to level 50. As a f2p person after level 20 you get reduced exp gain, but it shouldn't hinder you. There are a lot of restrictions which are lame, but don't matter all too much.

So it really is a free to play mmo, with all the titles and special treatment taken away. I think it's fun, and well worth the try, just get past level 10 and into the level 15-20 zone so you get your ship, and really immerse yourself in your very own story line.

big_smile Hope you liked my essay.


(34 replies, posted in Video Games)

See now that sounds interesting.


(34 replies, posted in Video Games)

It could be interesting