(54 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

I want to write another one, where Konah is in her 40s-50s. Kayl is around 35 or so, and has successfully trained a few apprentice, and currently has one. And it's set just after Revan has gathered Jedi to go to War.


(54 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

Thank you so much, Jester. That really means a lot, I was worried that it wouldn't be that great, but I am happy with the end result.


(54 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

Wow. Thank you so much. And here is the epic conclusion to this tale. There shall be more in the future, but it will take some time to write. Thank you so much for all the praise. It really does mean a lot.

Kayl stopped, standing before the disarmed Sith, “You are finished.” He levitated the Sith’s lightsaber and cut the hilt in half before rushing off back into the main hall. The other Jedi Master had taken their fights into side passages. Konah and Kaz’Dar stood locked in a tense battle, their blades flashing.

Konah was hard pressed; she was barely blocking most of Kaz’Dar’s strikes. Even using the Force, Konah was no match for the Sith Lord. Kaz’Dar feinted to the left of Konah, as she went to parry, he quickly reversed the strike, missing the Jedi Master’s hand, but cutting her lightsaber into pieces. He barked out a laugh and drove his saber down towards Konah, she lifted her hands to ward off the blow, using the Force, and she made her hands impervious to the lightsaber. Kaz’Dar watched as his lightsaber was being held in the hands of the Jedi, growling in rage he lashed out with Dark Side energy, shoving Konah to the ground, and breaking her concentration. Seeing she was defenseless he stood catching his breath, walking up behind him was Lucian with a Vibro-blade held loosely in his left hand, his right hand was missing.

Kaz’Dar brought down his lightsaber, and time seemed to slow. Kayl closed his eyes, reaching deep into himself, fusing his being with the Force. He was a tool of the Force. There is no emotion, there is peace. There is no ignorance, there is knowledge. There is no passion, there is serenity. There is no chaos, there is harmony. There is no death, there is the Force. As Kayl repeated the Jedi Mantra his hand raised, and before the blade met its target, and blue bullet shot from his outstretched fingertips. Time sped up, the bullet of Force energy slapped into the lightsaber; shifting its course by centimeters. Seconds later, Vrook’s green lightsaber sailed from a side passage as the elder Jedi Master raced around the corner, impaling Lucian.

    Kaz’Dar was furious that his blade had missed, again all before him was red, his blood thirst stronger than before, his left hand shot out towards Vrook, flinging the Jedi Master backwards into a pillar rendering him unconscious. Zez-Kai Ell, and Kavar were still in combat, Konah and Vrook were inert it was up to Kayl. Tucking his legs beneath him, he started to meditate, reaching even deeper than before, again repeating the Jedi Code Kaz’Dar watched the young Jedi Knight meditate, what did the fool hope to do. “Face it! You have lost, your friends are either dead or dying, and you alone stand to finish the fight. Give up.” Kaz’Dar’s voice rolled with hatred and malice.

    Kayl was totally Zen, his body was no longer his own, it was cocooned in the Force, a blue haze covered him from head to toe, and his lightsaber became super charged. He felt his muscles grown slightly bigger, and his height increase, his hair grew rapidly covering his eyes, no longer brown, but a vibrant green. “You are wrong.” His voice was deep and carried through the hall, “The Force flows through me. I am a Jedi Knight of the Republic, servant of the Force, and the Herald of your Doom.”
    Kayl stood, his Viridian blade looking as if wreathed in flames he walked casually towards Kaz’Dar, the lack of movement unnerved the Sith. With a flick of Kayl’s wrist Kaz’Dar was flung back towards his throne, Kayl moved over his Master’s body, entering a protective stance.

“Come Sith, face your fate.” Resonant, and pleasant to listen to, like someone thrumming a bass. Konah stirred at the sound, seeing Kayl. He looked down at her, his eyes green, and no longer brown, glowed no less. A Smile cracked his lips, his body tensed, and he leapt forward, his blade flashing forward in a large arc, hissing as it met with Kaz’Dar’s own blade.
Their blades locked Kaz’Dar felt the full presence of Force radiating off of Kayl, he let his jealousy of the youth fuel his rage, anger, and resentment with a roar of anger he shoved Kayl back. The two shot to opposite ends of the hall, sliding to a halt Kayl smiled, leaping into the air, green and red met in the middle Light versus Dark, using the Force to hold themselves up they dueled in the air, slashing back and forth, buffeting the other with the Force here and there. Kayl blazed around the Sith, flashing in an out of view as the Force pushed him to new extents, slashing and stabbing faster than Kaz’Dar could respond, the Sith quickly became overwhelmed, even using the pain from the wounds he could not overcome the onslaught.

Falling to the ground the sith was defeated dead, and gone. Kayl floated back to the ground to find that Zez-Kai Ell, and Kavar had seen the fight, though they did not speak, they helped Kayl (who had lost his Force Cocoon) retrieve Konah, and Vrook. They left the temple, the Sith destroyed.

The return to the Jedi Temple was uneventful, Kayl watched over, and checked Konah every few hours, and when he wasn’t making sure his Master was alright, he was relaying his story to the other three Jedi. Vrook stayed on his own ship, but Kavar, and Zez-Kai Ell joined Kayl on his ship, they made their voyage in six days, plenty of time to tell the story. He told them how he had fully opened himself to the Force. They made note of his increased height, hair growth, and muscle mass. Not only had his submission to the Force changed his physical appearance, but it had changed his presence in the Force, he was a white beacon, and he seemed wiser, more mature. He carried himself with more confidence, but less boastfulness.

Having returned to the Jedi Temple, he gave a full account of what had happened on Revery, their encounter with the Sith, and how they had handled them. Konah was kept in the medical bay for several days, her using the Force to prevent the lightsaber from impaling her had nearly taken her life. Through long deliberation, and the adamant disapproval of Master Vrook, the rest of the Jedi High Council agreed that due to his acts of bravery, and his new mastery of the Force, that Jedi Knight Kayl Zamora was to be elevated to the rank of Jedi Master. He was formally knighted in the Tower of Tranquility, returning to the Hall of Knighthood no more than fortnight since his first knighting. Now a Jedi Master, Kayl Zamora could take on an apprentice of his own.


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The Sith whirled around, their lightsabers coming alive, Kaz’Dar stood watching the young Jedi. “Are you foolish enough to walk into a trap yet again? No of course not, but two of you verses ten of us?” He said as Konah emerged from being the oak pillar.

Kayl nodded and shrugged off his outer robe, revealing his armor and dark brown tunic, “I believe we can.” Hiss snap, and his Viridian lightsaber came alight. Konah also slipped her deep blue outer robe off, her own Cyan lightsaber springing forth.

“Foolish indeed.” As he spoke there was a rustle of noise from the hallway where Konah, and Kayl had emerged from, ushering out of the hallway was a surprise nobody expected except, Konah. She had sent a message soon after they arrived the first night to the Jedi Temple requesting assistance after their first encounter, she made sure before their attack that the other Jedi would be able to arrive on time. Jedi Masters Kavar, Vrook Lamar, and Zez-Kai Ell walked forward, their own lightsabers out. Vrook stood in armor, his own Emerald green lightsaber held in a loose grip. Kavar, standing slightly amazed at the amount of Sith, his twin Sapphire lightsabers hanging his side. Zez-Kai Ell stood alert, his amethyst double-bladed lightsaber held in a defensive position. They all looked down the hall towards the sith, stepping in front of Kayl.

Vrook stepped forward, “It seems we got here before more blood could be spilled.” His voice was gravelly with age, but his determination was absolute.

Kavar tried to reason with the sith, “Surely you realize, this now. Your Lord has led you astray, renounce the Dark side, and save your lives.” He stood still lightsabers now at the ready.

Zez-Kai Ell remained silent for a moment contemplating, “You have been sorely misled, what you have done, cannot be undone repent, and come to the light.” His voice was deep and smooth.

Lord Kaz’Dar laughed, “You see my young acolytes? The Jedi are all the same, they offer their one way out.” He looked at his gather of adepts. “Fight, rid Revery of the Jedi filth.” As he spoke he leaped into the air, Konah was not far behind him. They met in the air, their sabers clashing, falling they battled, landing on their feet in the middle of the room.

Spurred by the Sith Lord’s actions, Kavar, Zez-Kai Ell, and Vrook leapt into action, the other Sith followed suit each Jedi Master was matched with two opponents. Kayl was left alone to deal with Lucian. He wore a deep blue tunic with a black hood, and matching black pants. His lightsaber had a curved hilt, the blade a lighter shade of red. His blue eyes watched Kayl, stalking his movements; they circled each other, waiting for the other to strike.

Kayl took the offensive. He made a couple quick slashes at Lucian; Lucian blocked him with the ease of a practiced swordsmen. Kayl realized that he was. He brought an overhead strike, but Lucian blocked that as well and shoved Kayl away. The two combatants glowered at each other as they went back to their original stances. Kayl attacked again, this time much more quickly; Lucian blocked him again. He went for Lucian’s chest; he countered and went for Kayl’s. Kayl barely fended off the blow. Lucian attempted to sever his hand, but he launched himself in a somersault over Lucian's weapon. Kayl tried an backhanded slash to get at Lucian's throat, but he blocked him again. When he tried to follow up on the parry with a swipe at Kayl’s legs, He blocked and reversed Lucian's momentum into a shove of his own. “Truly you are a Jedi.” Chuckled Lucian, “But you stand little chance, even if I die, you will not win.”

Kayl scowled. "You'll find I'm a great deal stronger than you anticipate!" He slashed at Lucian's legs, missed, and brought his blade above his head to counter a strike from Lucian. Their blades locked, and the two duelists stared into each other's eyes. Kayl's expression was pure focus, his icy stare daring Lucian's demonic gaze to push back. Kayl broke the blade lock, attacked again, but Lucian parried and brought his blade down hard on Kayl's in an effort to break his grip. He held on, and they locked blades once more. With a hard shove Kayl was pushed back, and Lucian jumped high into the air. Coming down on top of Kayl, or so he thought, where Kayl had been was now empty air. Kayl was focused now; he used the Force to augment his normal athletic abilities, pushing himself to super human extent. In a flash of movement Kayl was in front of Lucian, they locked their blades briefly, and Kayl was gone in another flurry of motion, he appeared behind Lucian, slashing at his legs, the Sith was too slow, cut down, his lower calf now blazed with a freshly cauterized wound. Kayl was a whirlwind of movement, he danced around Lucian with precision, again he stopped, parrying a strike from the Sith, flashing behind him he severed the Sith’s hand in one fluid motion.


(54 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

She looked around surprised to find herself back on the ship. Kayl had passed out from exhaustion, he had put forth a great effort to heal his master, and after his duel he was weary. On the floor he lay, as Konah redressed and went to make sure the ship was secure. Kayl was moved to his bed where he slept for a long while, and as he slept a Force vision came to him.
Konah was on the ground her eyes closed, and her body was limp. Kaz’Dar stood over her body with his lightsaber poised to strike the final blow. Near him stood Lucian with a missing right hand, in his other hand was a long slender katana looking blade it was a Vibro-blades one of few weapons that could stand up to a lightsaber. As Kaz’Dar brought his saber down to finish the Jedi Master, a blue bullet of pure Force energy shot forth from Kayl’s out stretched hand, changing the course of the blade, hitting the ground. Then an emerald green lightsaber was thrown, the blade impaled Lucian.

He woke with a start and looked around, his lightsaber hilt was in his hands, and Konah stood in the doorway. Letting out a breath he hadn’t known he was holding he flopped back into the bed, sweaty and shaken. “Glad you’re awake and not dying anymore.” he mumbled.

Konah nodded, “Thank you, Kayl. You slept for two days, and for two days we’ve been unbothered, but I have a feeling that our time of rest is at an end. We must act.”

They spent the rest of that day planning, and recounting things of the building and throne room. The plan as easy as they could tell was simple. Enter through the security door, wind their way to the Grand hall, and dispatch the Sith Lord. Simple and effective after their planning was done, they went back to their rooms and rested, or meditated.

The morning came, the sun rising over the mountains surrounding Evaris, bathing the city in a golden dawn. The Jedi had departed their ship, and now sat in a cantina, hoods up, eating a small breakfast, and enjoying a small bit of coffee. After they left the cantina and retreated back to their ship, Konah went her room to meditate, and rest. Kayl however decided to use his time to train. He set up ten training droids this time, all around him; they were set for a twenty minute session. Kayl studied the Form IV of lightsaber combat Ataru, it was an aggressive stance, and was not recommended against multiple enemies. Only a master of Ataru would prevail against more than a few opponents. The young Jedi Knight was no master, but among the other Jedi, he was considered one of the best if the fourth lightsaber form. Kayl spent the rest of the day practicing the lightsaber techniques until Konah came into the central chamber watching his last few minutes.

“Time to go Kayl, and hopefully you haven’t worn yourself out.” Konah said noticing his heavy breathing.

“I’m fine, don’t worry about it.” Kayl took deep breaths and calmed his breathing. He left the central chamber and changed his clothes.   

The Jedi slipped down the ramp, and quietly ducked behind cover, and stealthily made their way to the high domed building that would be their zone for combat. Reaching the small security door, it was replaced with a new door, and a new security lock. Kayl placed his hand on the lock panel, and focused on his palm, he envisioned a heat rising in his fingertips, and skin. His hand grew warm, and started to glow with a soft orange light, growing in brightness, and intensity the security panel melted, and there was an audible click. The circuits for the door were melted, reaching out to the Force again, Kayl used it to lift the door, Konah slipped in, followed quietly by Kayl.

They wound their way through the maze of halls reaching out with the Force to avoid patrols. They reached the Grand hall, slipping in unnoticed, the Sith were focused on Lord Kaz’Dar. A small throng of sith stood in a half circle, below the stone dais, Kaz’Dar sat on a far less elegant throne, and glared at his acolytes.

“The Jedi vermin shall perish, and you will be the ones to carry out the death sentences.” He stood up, he wore a black robe, with a deep royal purple hood, and beneath it his yellow eyes glowed with hate, at his side hung his lightsaber.

Konah looked at Kayl, “At least ten, counting Kaz’Dar.” she said motioning to the semi circle of Sith.

Kayl nodded, a small frown creased his forehead, “We can take them, and have no doubt, Master.” As he spoke, he stepped from behind his cover of the pillar. “My Lord Kaz’Dar. I hope we aren’t...interrupting your group therapy?” He spoke loudly, and his voice carried across the hall.


(54 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

***Thanks Jester, that means a whole lot. The ending surprised me, and the way some of the things tied in. There was a plot twist that when I wrote it, even I didn't expect it. ***

Konah remained unmoved, “You have willingly chosen this, your fate is your own, and your death is something I do not revel in.” She looked at each Sith in turn. She discarded her blue outer robe, and ignited her cyan colored lightsaber. The blade sprang to life, before it had fully extended Konah was in the air, vaulting over Kaz’Dar, slashing as she landed.

    Kaz’Dar whirled around their blades meeting with a flash and sharp hiss. “Finally. A challenge.” Finishing his words he brought his own lightsaber above his head in an overhand strike. Blocked, backhand parried, forward slash, dodged.

    Kayl watched his Master duel for a moment before realizing his was being circled by the two new Sith, “Now come on, not going to play fair?” He watched them circle, as he spoke both lunged towards him. Kayl used his crouched position to his advantage. Reaching out to the Force, he focused on his legs, willing it to augment his strength. Shooting into the air, the Sith both missed their target, but found but instantly found a second. The one to the right of Kayl impaled the other Sith on his lightsaber. Stunned that he had just killed his fellow Sith he removed the saber and turned to face Kayl. Too late. A forward slash and a glancing blow, meant to wound and not kill. His right leg now cauterized with a fresh wound, the Sith fell.

    Angered at being the victim of first blood, the apprentice reached out to the Dark Side. Allowing anger to overwhelm the pain he pushed outward with the Force, but Kayl reacted in kind and the two were locked in a test of wills, a battle of power, and a contest of who had greater mastery of the Force.

    The exchange between Konah and Lord Kaz’Dar began and ended in the blink of an eye, each warrior guided by the Force. The once beautiful throne lay in shambles from what seemed like a thousand wayward lightsaber strikes. As one of the acolytes went down Kaz’Dar let out a roar, filled with rage and all before him turned red. He was bloodthirsty, drunk with power. Unleashing a violent wave of Dark Side energy and buffeting the Jedi Master with waves of anger - he pushed the Jedi Master back step by step and slowly closed the distance between them. Again, not fast enough, blocked, parried, and dodged. Feinted, he looked at the Jedi, she was strong.

    Konah parried and blocked with ease, calling the Force to her aid, augmenting her speed, and her awareness, letting it flow through her, become apart of her. She was in a state of Zen, one with the Force. It was her turn to go on the offensive. Kaz’Dar had backed towards the edge of the stone dais. As she moved forward, her saber point low he laughed, “You truly think you can beat me? You will die.” Kaz’Dar roared and rushed her, and again he was too slow. Using the Force, she enhanced her ability to run. Appearing behind him, but this time she was too slow.

    Kaz’Dar had expected it, and purposely left himself open to the attack, turning quickly, he unleashed a violent wave of the Force, pushing Konah back, and she was lifted off the ground, and flung towards the back of the hall.

    The acolyte was push back. Letting out a feral scream, laced thickly with Dark Side energy the Sith rose. Ignoring the pain and the likely death approaching he rushed Kayl head on. They battled, the acolyte was a decent match for Kayl, he moved with speed, but lacked the grace of the Jedi. Their lightsabers became a blur, Viridian and Crimson, flashes of light and grunts of exertion.

    Kayl spun in a circle aiming for the Sith’s leg, miss. The Sith jumped over Kayl planning his kick perfectly, the Jedi was shoved forward, fell, and rolled back to his feet. Reaching out with the Force, Kayl closed his eyes. He gave himself over to the Force, feeling it guiding his movements, and calming his breathing, ducking a blow, and dancing to the left. Jumping up, and twisting in the air, landing behind the acolyte. Though his eyes were closed, his other senses were at a peak, and he saw cloudy wisps of people, their body’s glowing with the Force.

    Kaz’Dar watched as the young Jedi Knight fought his acolyte. Eyes closed, and winning Kayl dropped to his knees, avoiding a strike, spinning as he came up, his lightsaber blade found the acolyte’s neck. The sith dropped, his head rolling away from his body. Kayl stood breathing heavy, his lightsaber was now clipped to his belt, and he stood before Kaz’Dar.
    The Sith Lord lunged at Kayl. Reaching out with the Force the young Jedi imagined a powerful wave of energy knocking the Sith back. Kaz’Dar was surprised as he was flung backwards. Taking his moment, Kayl rushed to his Master’s side. Picking up her unconscious body, and lightsaber, he rushed out the side door winding his way through the maze of hallways. Lucian stood stock still, watching the whole scene unfold, seeing his two friends get cut down, and his master defeated.

    It took Kayl little time to remember the path out of the building, he had memorized. Thinking back, he was glad he did as he wound his way out of the capitol building. Reaching the security door he set Konah down and ignited his lightsaber, not knowing the security had been the only thing he missed. Starting from the bottom he began cutting a large enough hole to carry both him and his master through.

    Getting back to the spaceport unseen was tricky, but the duel had lasted longer than he had expected having entered the large domed building with the sun high in the sky, and coming out at dusk. Most people would be heading to the cantina now, and the spaceport was relatively deserted. Making his way to the ship, Kayl walked up the ramp and set Konah on her bed, he took off her tunic, boots, and utility belt. Making sure she was flat, he reached out to the Force, focusing on his hands, they began to glow with a cool white light holding them above her chest, and her calm face. He felt some of the broken bones, and bruised skin begin to repair, he kept at it, and healed most of her wounds. After he had mended the worst of the maladies Konah’s eyes fluttered open.


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The days to Revery passed quickly, full of meditation, and advice, stories about Konah and fears of Kayl. As the reach the planet they became all business, they were used to working together, and thus prepared to do what need to be done.
            Revery appeared blue from space, and on the planet there were aquamarine seas, green and gold land, and pink clouds could be seen in the sky. They docked with the port authorities, and went to a local cantina to get a drink and find out local rumors. As they sat in an out of the way corner, and listened to the patrons speak, they caught wind of a growing cult.
Having had their fill of drink, and a new rumor to go off of, they headed out. They returned to their ship, and rested up for the night. The morning after would be much more involved. Kayl went to his chambers and fell asleep quickly. Konah wondered the ship a while, thinking. She could feel the Dark Side, like a sickly feeling at the edge of her mind. She finally went to her chambers and meditated. A vision came to her in the night.

            Kayl stood over a her, his body radiating the Force in a visible manifestation. His Viridian lightsaber was glimmering, small green flames licking off the blade like it was an extension of his inner fire. He turned around; his normally light brown eyes were emerald green, glowing. A smile cracked his lips, and he charged forward his blade flashing forward in an arc meeting a dark red blade with a hiss.

            Konah woke suddenly hearing a hiss. looking around Kayl was standing in the doorway, “Come on, I don’t want to waste the day on my first mission as a Jedi Knight.” he said smiling at her, still wearing the armor, and light brown robe, though his hood was down now. His brown hair was still short; it had been a little less than a week since he was knighted. He already looked older; his tanned skin tighter over his high cheek bones, and chiseled jaw line. He brown eyes looked alight with anticipation.
            “Alright, alright get out so I can change.” she said shooing him off. Kayl bowed and left, walking briskly. She stood and changed her multi layered tunic to one covered in less sweat. Her dark blue robe was laid on the bed along with her utility belt, and lightsaber.
            Konah walked down the ramp of the ship to find Kayl already there levitating a small pile of rocks, “Stop that. We have work to do.” As she spoke he gently let the rocks fall back down to form a small pyramid.
            They both walked out of the spaceport into the streets of Evaris looking around. The rumors spoke of a gathering of people in the capitol building. That didn’t bode well. As Kayl and Konah walked the streets watching and waiting they appeared to be wandering randomly, but as if the Force were leading them to their destination they found themselves in front of the capitol building. It was a large building with a golden dome. The rest of the building was a sea blue, with large white pillars, and a large set of steps that led up to the building’s entrance. Kayl stopped and looked at his Master.
    “Can you sense it?” he asked hoping what he was sensing through the Force was not a trick.
    Konah nodded, “Yes, this is where our prey lies, but be careful, Kayl. We must not charge in without a plan.” she turned and walked back the way they had come. They walked to an older part of the City; ruins of stone of the original city were on the outskirts. She sat down.

Kayl stood above her and waited. He waited for maybe twenty minutes before Konah spoke. What she said worried him, “There is a very powerful Dark Side presence here. It is important that we rid this planet of it. Avoid bloodshed, that is the one rule, but if it comes to it, try to reason first.”
    Kayl frowned, “You said that like we may be the ones shedding blood. I do not like this, Master. It does not sound good.” he said leaning against a crumbling wall. As he closed his eyes, he extended his will over the Force, pushing it out, probing for other beings. Walking towards them was a messenger, if he was Sith he hid it well, “Master.” he said opening his eyes and shifting his gaze back towards the way the had come.
    Konah was already on her feet. Her hands went to her sides, unclipping her lightsaber, and hiding it in her sleeve. The messenger appeared around the corner, and walked towards them without fear.

    “Master Jedi!” he said sounding relieved to have found them, “My superiors did not realize we had such important visitors. They request your presence so they may greet you properly.” He said his voice silky smooth. He was a young man of about twenty-five. He had dark skin; his black hair was pulled back into a high ponytail. His eyes were a deep blue, and he had a defined jaw line. He wore a regal looking purple tunic, with black trousers, and carried a blaster at his hip.

    Kayl spoke before his Master could, “We accept, may we know who we have the pleasure of speaking with at present?” His voice was kind, and inviting.

    The Messenger looked surprised to be asked such a question, “Oh, of course. I am Lucian” he said bowing his head, “And you are?”

    Konah bowed, “I am Jedi Master Konah, and this is Jedi Knight Kayl. We would be honored to meet with your Master, Lucian.” She said motioning for him to lead the way.

    The messenger Lucian bowed and led the way back to the Capitol building. From there he took them up the stairs and around the side of the building to a side door. Punching in a security code, they walked inside a dimly lit hallway. After a maze of tunnels they were finally in the grand room.
The walls were covered with holo art, and even some pieces of real art. Tapestries and paintings were scattered around. The room itself was a high domed room, with bronze walls, and dark oak pillars holding up the roof. Red carpet led up to a stone dais where a throne like chair was set. In the chair was a man, his face was shrouded by a dark purple hood attached to his royal purple tunic, underneath that he wore a lavender tunic, and black trousers. He had a dark brown leather utility belt, and boots. Attached to his belt was a silver cylinder.

    Lucian walked ahead of them, and bowed before his Master, “My lord Kaz’Dar. I have brought the Jedi as you requested.” He motioned behind him to the hooded and cloaked figures.

    Lord Kaz’Dar looked at the two hooded Jedi before him, “Step into the light.” As the figures approached he smiled beneath his own hood. These would be a prize, and a test of his true powers.

    Kayl felt almost compelled to step forward into the sparse lighting at the words of Lord Kaz’Dar. His voice seemed to resonate in the room, and draw you in with its kind tone. Yet there was more, Kayl felt the Force being weaved throughout his speech. He stepped forward none the less, following as Konah led.

    She was another story; Konah was not affected by the speech, though she felt the strong presence of the Dark Side surrounding Lord Kaz’Dar. He was not here for idle chat. When he spoke she had felt another mental pressure pressing against her mental wards. It was trying to find cracks and weakness in her defense, as they reached the foot of the steps. “Lord Kaz’Dar. Your servant Lucian has been most gracious to lead us through your halls. If he had not been with us we would surely be lost.” she bowed low, and Kayl did the same.

    The Sith Lord, for it was very clear that that was what he was, stood. “Ah, yes Lucian is most faithful.” He smiled, though it never reached his eyes, “I am happy to know that you decided to visit our humble city.”

    Kayl was next on the Sith Lords mind test. Blinking several times as the pressure of the Force was pressed against his wards was shocking. Kayl could feel the Dark Side weaved all throughout the Sith’s words, but it did not prepare him for the assault, still his own wards held, just barely. “My Lord, why is it you have asked to meet with us?” Kayl asked finished with pleasantries.

Kaz’Dar smiled coolly, “Right down to business I see.” Watching Kay he chuckled, “Well I wanted to see you with my own eyes. Jedi have such a reputation, defenders of the Galaxy, and peace.”

    Konah watched as the young man Lucian left the room. No doubt to bring more acolytes, “Yes, that would be the idea, My Lord.” she said switching her stance, “But alas, we have two options. I can feel the Dark Side surrounding you, I offer you once. Surrender, and be taken prisoner, and escorted back to the Jedi Council and put on trial. Or we can end this here and now.” she said pulling her lightsaber with the Force into her hand.

    Kaz’Dar raised an eyebrow slowly, “So quick to act. My dear, Jedi Master. You are sorely outmatched.” As he spoke there were several hiss-snaps of lightsabers being activated. Lucian was back, and with him two other Sith Apprentice. “You see. When you accepted my invitation you willing slipped into my trap.” His lightsaber, the silver cylinder was now in his hand, the crimson red blade humming Kayl’s viridian lightsaber jumped to life, a quiet purr compared to the Sith’s humming blades. “You are bold, Lord Kaz’Dar.” As he spoke he slipped into a defensive crouch.


(54 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

Was waiting for someone to reply. I have most of the story finished now, but I'll keep posting in bits and pieces.

Vrook took his queue, and dived in, “We’ve heard disturbing reports from the Outer Rim of a Dark Side cult. These reports are coming from the Planet Revery in the Noonian sector. The main populous is human, rich, and greedy. They generally keep to themselves, but based on our reports some of them have taken a liking to the Dark Side. We’re sending you two to investigate. You will leave on the ‘morrow. You mission is thus, Investigate the claims of a Dark Side presence there, and if such presence exist, do your best to rid the planet of it before it becomes stronger. Avoid bloodshed.” The last statement directed at Konah.

Kayl nodded and opened his mouth to speak, “Is this all the information Intel has been able to gain?” he asked confidently, embracing his new rank as Jedi Knight.

Master Zez-Kai Ell spoke, “All that we’ve been told, and my advice, Jedi Zamora is that you execute caution. The temptation of the Dark Side is strong; do not let its promise lead you to fault. Stay strong in the force, and trust in the Jedi Code.”

Kayl resumed a relaxed, but respectful stance waiting. Konah looked at the Council members, and nodded, “As you wish. We leave on the ‘morrow.” She said with an elegant bow, turning on her heel she left the Council chamber’s room.

Kayl watched her go, smiling, “Masters.” He said, and bowed as well, leaving, his dark brown robes billowing behind him. He went about his daily tasks, and went to the Jedi library searching for information on Revery.

The next morning Konah tied her hair back in a ponytail, and dressed. Her cream colored tunic, and pants, again her blue robe graced her shoulders. She was waiting for the shuttle when Kayl walked up, dressed in freshly given armor, and a new tunic. His outer robe now a lighter brown, the hood up covering his face he spoke quietly in the pre-dawn, “A wonderful morning to go fighting Sith, don’t you think?”

Konah glanced up at him, “Indeed. I am glad your first mission is with me, can’t have you off getting yourself in trouble with someone else.” She said with a chuckle.

Kayl looked down at her, showing his face for the first time that morning, “Master Kolar, I would never…” He started, but Konah cut him off.

“Master Konah, or Konah.” She stated flatly. “We’re both equals, and friends. No need for formality.” She smiled at him.

He nodded, “So…” before he could finish his statement the shuttle stopped before them at the landing pad.

A few other Jedi stepped off hurrying away on other business, boarding the shuttle the droid in the front looked back, “Jedi Master Kolar, and Jedi Knight Zamora?” he asked in his robotic voice.

Konah nodded, “To the spaceport if you please.” She responded and sat down in a chair waiting to arrive. When they did they were led to a light frigate and boarded that as well.

The ship itself was humble and well furnished; there were two chambers for the two Jedi. They had a bed, a closet, and a meditation mat. The cockpit was large enough for three people, and a small utility droid. Konah went directly to her chambers and spent the duration of the journey meditating. Kayl went to the central chamber; there was a large holoterminal with long range communications there for when they needed to contact the Council. He ignited his lightsaber; around him were five training droids.

Several hours later, Kayl rested on a bench against the wall, all five training droids were deactivated, and he was covered in sweat. His lightsaber was resting on the table behind him, taking several deep breaths he stood. Stretching he sat down on the floor, and began to meditate.


(54 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

More of the story. Let me know what you think so far!!!!!!

The day passed, and Kai was released from the trial chamber, having passed. His date to be knighted was soon after. The day before the ceremony Kai was required to ascend the heart of the Tranquillity Spire where he was to meditate within the preparation chamber located there. The following day, Kai was summoned to the next level of the Tower: the Hall of Knighthood. Entering into the darkened chamber he felt the presence of many Jedi. Kneeling in the center of the room, his saber set down in front of him. The Jedi Masters present ignited their lightsabers in a ring around him the light showing their faces. In the ring was his own Master Konah, along with Masters Vrook, Kavar, Zez-Kai Ell, Vandar Tokare, and the Jedi History Dorak. Led by the Grand Master of the Order, the other masters were members of the High Council, and several that had helped him in his journey as a Padawan.

The Grand Master spoke softly, his voice kind and warm “We are all Jedi. The Force speaks through us. Through our actions, the Force proclaims itself and what is real.Today we are here to acknowledge what the Force has proclaimed.” He paused, “Padawan Kai, step forward, and kneel.” As Kai stepped forward and knelt, the Grand Master brought down his glowing silver blade towards Kai’s right shoulder, and then his left. “By the right of the Council, by the will of the Force, I dub thee, Knight of the Republic.”  The Grand Master severed the braid in Kai’s hair.

Kai bowed, and picked up his saber, leaving the chamber without a word. Standing outside the chamber in the hall he took a deep breath, and released. He did it; he was a full Jedi Knight. Kai gripped the lightsaber hilt in his hand, and closed his eyes letting the force flow through him.

Konah beamed as she exited the chamber through a small door off to the side. She was so proud of her former apprentice. Walking back to her chambers was quiet and uneventful. She meditated for the rest of the night. Upon breaking her meditation the next morning, she found through the holoterminal that she was to meet with the High Jedi Council soon. Getting ready, she clipped her utility belt, and then clipped her lightsaber. She wrapped her dark blue outer robe around her shoulders, slipping her hands into the sleeves.

As Kai arrived to the Council chambers he was unsurprised to find his Master there. He had felt her presence through the force before he entered walking in he stood in the center of the room next to Konah, and bowed to the surrounding Council Members.

The Grand Master nodded to the both of them in turn, “Welcome Master Kolar, and Jedi Knight Zamora.” He said winking at Kai. He and Konah both bowed their heads as they we addressed. “We know that you were only just Knighted, Jedi Kai, but it would appear the Darkside’s threat is growing. We have a mission for both you, and Master Kolar.” He looked to Vrook.


(54 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

Okay so i've been meaning to not only write this story, but was also prompted by a hypothectical challenge. Which really means I told someone I suck at writing and they said I didn't. SO to prove them wrong I am writing a story. This is just the first few paragraphs. Once the rest of the story is finished I will post the rest in this topic. Let me know what ya think xD

Konah stood by the door pacing, her hands her tucked into the large sleeves of her robe. At her side clipped to her utility belt was her lightsaber. The sound of her brown leather boots echoed off the walls. Her padawan was taking his final Trials of Knighthood, after this defining moment if he passed he would be a full Jedi. As she paced her fingers kept tapping her left forearm. Konah stopped suddenly, her brown hair swished forward, covering her eyes. Walking down the hall was Jedi Master Vrook Lamar.

Vrook Lamar was a Human male who served as a Jedi Master as early as the time of the Great Hunt, holding a seat on the Dantooine Jedi Enclave Council. He was also a member of the Jedi High Council throughout the Mandalorian Wars, the Jedi Civil War, and the Dark Wars. Vrook was generally characterized by his brusque manner, stern demeanor, cautious disposition, and suspicious nature.

Master Vrook bowed to her, “Master Konah, I see you await padawan Kai’s passage into knighthood.” He said nodding to the door that she had been pacing in front of.

Konah nodded, “Yes, the Trial of Insight I have found is harder than most. Kai is ready, but his mind takes time to focus.” She said, choosing her words carefully. Vrook was brutal in his assessment of the padawans who took the other four trials.

The Jedi Master nodded, “He did well in his other trials, I see a great many things for your young padawan in the future.” He said, a small smile creasing his weathered wrinkled face. With a nod of the head Vrook brushed past Konah and moved down the hall.

She took a deep breath, flicking her hair out of her eyes. Pacing again she waited, she knew Kai would take his time. Not know what the trial would be was making her wait harder. After pacing for three hours she gave up. She rolled her shoulders and headed to her meditation chamber.


(4 replies, posted in TV Shows, Movies and Music)

Oh Jester, you sound like a bot wink


(56 replies, posted in The Old Republic (MMORPG))

Not sure yet.


(4 replies, posted in TV Shows, Movies and Music)

I haven't seen it yet but have really been wanting to for a while


(56 replies, posted in The Old Republic (MMORPG))

My favorite teacher in high school went there, and my sister has gone there


(56 replies, posted in The Old Republic (MMORPG))

University of Oregon.


(56 replies, posted in The Old Republic (MMORPG))

Not certain. But UO sounds fun


(56 replies, posted in The Old Republic (MMORPG))

Creative writing and minoring in English. I'm in a Community college, getting all my gen ed stuff done. Then gonna transfer


(127 replies, posted in Video Games)

I really enjoyed mage, I took a break from DA2 on my second play through


(56 replies, posted in The Old Republic (MMORPG))

Getting there, trying to find a job, and finish school


(56 replies, posted in The Old Republic (MMORPG))

Indeed, indeed. So how's life been Jester?