(44 replies, posted in Video Games)

Starr,Jul 20 2009, 09:02 PM wrote:

*shrugs* Guess we'll just have to find out won't we.

Darth Jester,Jul 20 2009, 09:34 PM wrote:

I guess so.

I guess sooo!

(Looks around, all shady-like)


(138 replies, posted in Video Games)

Starr,Jul 20 2009, 09:04 PM wrote:

Only bad people get cookies.  wink But I like you so you can have one... but don't ask for anymore because I won't give you anymore. Only for bad people. ^_^

* Walks over to Count Dooku... *

Hovoth: "Can you pleeeease get some cookies from Starr for me?"

Count Dooku: "Sure thing, dawg."



(195 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)



(553 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)

Huggles-V- To Hug, Starr-way. Was originally used in the late 1990s, but was brought back mid 2009 for definitive terms. (Also see: Hugs)


Hovoth: "No, just Astroids."

Pilot: "Captain Jall - sir - I see the planet."

Captain Jall: "Good, take us closer."


(635 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

* Karvan and Nolan are punched to the ground... *

Karvan: "Darn - shields?"

(( Meanwhile... ))

Hovoth: (Smiles) "Well, it was worth a shot."

* Drops his lightsaber on the floor, and raises his hands... *

Hovoth: "Kill me now, no sense keeping me prisoner."

(( Meanwhile... ))

* A ship treads to a Confederacy Ship... *

Pilot Droid: "Sir, I see the Generals ship." (Looks back) "I'll request docking."

Dark Jedi: (Nods) "Good..."


(484 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

The group towards the town, the heat seeming to not affect some of them. Cratus and Sarlas tread ahead of the group. "What was your initial plan?" Sarlas asks Cratus. Cratus looks ahead,"Downfall of others. We're all tools of something... I hope to change all that." He says with a smile. "There are always many groups with different motives of their plan... many many motives - right or wrong." He looks at Sarlas with a fixed look. "My opposition to the other 'lords' and 'masters' will state my alliance, and mark my start for a better tommorrow."

Zhoe walks up,"Your ship is still docked." she looks over at Sarlas,"You have a ship, I presume?" Sarlas nods. Cratus says,"Good. Then you guys' follow us. We're headed to Mark 11, Mercy Mining Astroid."


(93 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

Starr,Jul 20 2009, 04:39 PM wrote:

Nah. Writer's block.  sad

Augh, the worste.  sad


(337 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)

Yeah, I think some of them even made it to 2 pages... but he was the only one posting.


(6 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)

Alright, I have the RPG open. Come join in, let's see if we get enough people...


(635 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

* Karvan and Nolan jump on Ta'ay and Kal, wrestling them to the ground - throwing punches and other melee attacks... *

(( Meanwhile... ))

* The alarm rings throughout the ship. Hovoth is able to pull his lightsaber from Gratiir's belt, and slices the Force Straps off of him... *

Hovoth: "Surrender and maybe we can work this out with your soldiers!"


(635 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

* Karvan and Nolan quickly take postition on either sides of the door, and wait... *

(( Meanwhile... ))

Hovoth: "Ha! Your pride will be your downfall!"

Captain Jall: "Not that long actually, 5 minutes top... with those engine mods I recieved, this ship sails through the galaxy like Naboo Fish through the canals."

Hovoth: "Good, ships always depress me."

Weld: "Feel confined?"

Hovoth: "Haha - yeah."

(( Meanwhile... ))

* Gharnon reaches under the bed, and takes out a small device. He clicks something on it, and puts it on his ear... *

Gharnon: "Trail far behind. We'll be bound to land somewhere soon..."


(4,277 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

Marx: (Nods, and climbs into the gunner seat)


(127 replies, posted in TV Shows, Movies and Music)

Darth Jester,Jul 17 2009, 11:27 PM wrote:

More then a bit Hovoth.

I dunno, but Modern Warefare is too fun. Something about it is just plain awesome to me. And, haha - it can get overly boring too I guess.  tongue


(635 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

* Hovoth tries to stall the words, trying to wiggle his wrists out of the device - but it just sucks his force powers... *

Hovoth: "Changing into something you see good in your eyes, right? Just give up, your plan won't win. You'd have a better chance running a marathon across Tantooine." (Chuckles)

(( Meanwhile... ))

Nolan: "Uh-Oh..." (Taps the helmet)

Karvan: "What did you do?"

Nolan: "The helmet erased all the main memory."

Karvan: "Blast... we'll have to find another way to open the cells."

Weld: "Perhaps I will tell you my past." (Weld says, seemingly a joke) "... Some day."

Hovoth: "Right..." (He says, with a sarcastic tone)

(( Meanwhile... ))

Captain Jall: (Looks back, and sees Aani. He nods)


(118 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)


1960 - "A group of people go on a fishing boat through the Atlantic. The main purpose of their voyage was to respond to a crashed planes' radio frequence. During their course, winds become heavy and rain battles hard against their physical stature. Finally, after half an hour the rain shallows, and a large tower is seen..."

You are one of the people on the boat.

Please fill out the form below, and let us begin. Nobody knows what is happening, where they are, or what things they face. Mystery is brought up. Salvation may not be seen:


Welcome! Please write your name in the below papers!

First name:

Last name:







RULES (Because we might need them):

1: Please do not kill other players of the game (Without their permission). Yes, they may annoy you but key of story is what I'm pacing here. Respect the aspect of story telling, and please do not kill others (Without their permission).

2: Please respect the BioShock universe, and do not bring lightsabers or other future designed weapons. (Like a Ray gun or Nuclear Missile launcher)

3: Read carefully of what others have posted, and don't post anything off-task.

4: Have fun with the mysteries! Do not stray too much into comedy though.

/// All my stats ///

First name: Moss

Last name: Eidons

Background: Moss was born in America, on a farm under his mother and father. Growing up, he moved closer to the city, New York, then started a small company. They company failed, and his life went down the drain. He was offered a job on a rescue boat when his physical abilities were recognized...

Age: 26

Nationality: American

Apearance: Tanned look, Bald/Shaved head, a slight country accent.

Gender: Male


(69 replies, posted in Video Games)

Darth Jester,Jul 20 2009, 02:40 AM wrote:

Goldeneye 007 was a good game when it first came out but now it is lame if you play it now.

I must disagree, it's still fun if you pick up the controller and play it. (Even of you play multiplayer with 3 other friends) Best shooter eva!


(44 replies, posted in Video Games)

Starr,Jul 7 2009, 06:14 PM wrote:

Like who?  :huh:

Someone who was seen in Halo 2 I believe. A normal Marine, specualtion that he was sent to New Mambasa and is "The Rookie".