
(194 replies, posted in TV Shows, Movies and Music)

Oh, I thought it returns like the 23rd of this month...

My favorite one is when the janitor is cleaning up where Luke, Darth Vader, and Emperor Palpatine were fighting, and the Emperor's body falls down the shaft and lands right beside him. He sighs and sweeps Palpatines body off screen.  lol

(Stop Motion skit Emperor Palpatine talking to Darth Vader on the Phone)

EP: "Why don't you just go back to your little Pademe'!"

EP: "..."

EP: *Puts hand over phone* "Oh, he's crying."

EP: "I didn't mean it..."

EP: "I'm sorry..."

EP: "Yes..."

EP: "I..." (Covers mouth, talking to phone) "I love you too."

*Hangs up*

lol  lol  lol


(48 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Art)

This was painted (through CPU) and Photoshopped.


(69 replies, posted in Video Games)

Oh, yeah, I'm still playing Galactic Battlegrounds.  big_smile


(9 replies, posted in TV Shows, Movies and Music)

Both of these movies are awesome...

Can't... decide...  :wacko:


(127 replies, posted in TV Shows, Movies and Music)

Oh, yeah, I saw that video too.

He looks so ghostly and all, a bit creepy too. I sketched it though, and paused the video. The sketch looks clearer, and accurate too.  big_smile


(173 replies, posted in Star Wars Universe)

HURRAH!!  lol


(48 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Art)


This was done within: 20-25 minutes

My KOTOR 3 fanart, depicting a Hutt talking to the player. The whole concept of most of my work is based on a Taris generation, and background.

I'll upload some more art later on this week.


(142 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Art)

Cool.  B)


(32 replies, posted in Knights of the Old Republic III)

I voted after...  :unsure:


(158 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

Polo: *Takes cover in the corner*

** Three shots are fired at Polo's position, bouncing across the Metal Linings **

Polo: *Gh!* (Polo hides behind cover)

Vulkar: *Gagaboonta shavena loma wama!* (Sith Scum, this is our grounds!)

Polo: *Summons gun up*

Vulkar: *Sith bonta rema!* (Sith, show yourself!)

Polo: I give up! I'm tossing my gun over!

Vulkar: *Jamana Shon Looba!* Ha Ha! I knew you sith were weak!

Polo: *Tosses gun*

Vulkar: *Ha Ha, Bonna Luva Vulkaurs!* (Ha Ha, Victory to Vulkars) *Reaches down to pick up Polo's blaster* (Hm...?)

** The gun shocks **

Vulkar: Whaa??

** The gun ingnites, and overheats. BOOM! The Remaining Vulkars are dead. **

Polo: Dumb Vulks...


(30 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

Cool. smile


(158 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

Polo: *Walks to elevator*

Sith Guard: Oh, hey officer! You heading down to the Lower City?

Polo: I... *ahem* Yes, an officer down there wants me to cover for a shift for him down there...

Sith Guard: Oh, alright. I'll open the doors for you... *Pushes button, thus opening the elevator door* Careful down there, and keep your blaster with reaching range. Those swoop gangs are annoying.

Polo: *Get's on elevator*


(127 replies, posted in TV Shows, Movies and Music)

I found a script on a website somewhere that describes MC's face. His skin is pale white, and I think he has scars all over his face.


(127 replies, posted in TV Shows, Movies and Music)


*Force push*

*Pushes off building*



(173 replies, posted in Star Wars Universe)


He lived longer than any other jedi. I think that's 'cause he never fought. But, perhaps he fought better when he was younger.


(173 replies, posted in Star Wars Universe)

Anybody here like Yoda?  lol


(104 replies, posted in Knights of the Old Republic)

Tatooine was a pretty fun planet actually.

That box was fun also.

Kotor is fun.


(127 replies, posted in TV Shows, Movies and Music)

*Converts Jester to the light side*
