
(153 replies, posted in Knights of the Old Republic III)

Oh, yeah, I like that one too.

I also liked the fear one also, that causes the other person to loose their mind, while you and your partners hack and slash them.

#42 - Your person NEVER get's tired at all.

#43 - Swoop races can be frustrating.

#44 - People at Pazaak tables don't actually play with real cards, they use invisible cards for some odd reason...


You sure are confused alot, Spartan...


(153 replies, posted in Knights of the Old Republic III)

Oh yeah, that's true.

The first power I usually get when I play KoTOR is either force cure/heal... or my favorite one: Force Persuade.


(82 replies, posted in TV Shows, Movies and Music)


Yeah... The movie is actually presented pretty great though. Too bad Sam died, Will had to break it&#39;s neck.

They actually could have made the movie into a series of some sort, and it could have lasted for a few seasons. With careful plot lining, and new elements, immersive advance of people will watch, and be impressed.


(17 replies, posted in TV Shows, Movies and Music)

The BioShock Movie coming I think will be pretty good actually. They have a good storyline, already lined out. Now it just depends on how they present it.


(173 replies, posted in Star Wars Universe)

It&#39;s from the Star Wars Gangsta (or Gangster) Rap. You can find it on Youtube somewhere, I&#39;m positive. It&#39;s sooo old.


(60 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)

I like facebook partically better than MySpace in my opinion. MySpace seems so... I dunno. I can&#39;t really describe it, but over all- I like Facerbook better.

20... 19?


(69 replies, posted in Knights of the Old Republic III)

Why do people post nothing really?  <_<

#40 - Apparently, you get ugly when your bad. But when other people are bad, they don&#39;t look as ugly as you.


(153 replies, posted in Knights of the Old Republic III)


Who would have that as their only power?


(158 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

** Canderous and Polo arrive at the Vulkar Base entrance. Two vulkars await at the entrance, with weapons drawn. **

Canderous: Drop those weapons, or I&#39;ll cut your hands off.

Vulkar Twi&#39;Lek: Make no demands, Mandalorian, I don&#39;t fear you.

Canderous: So you don&#39;t?

Vulkar Twi&#39;Lek: I&#39;m a head strong warrior, I know no limits - therefore fear is not a blockade in my path.

Canderous: *Raises Repeater* Don&#39;t toss your filth of words in my ear. I&#39;m simply here to convince you to send your money to Davik.

Polo: Do what he says, Vulk.

Vulkar Twi&#39;Lek: *Chuckes* So Davik is hiring more under-dogs to do his bidding?

Polo: *Draws vibroblades* Threats aren&#39;t going to cut this, is it?

Vulkar Twi&#39;Lek: Give me your best---

** In an instant, a blast of consuming power vaporizes the Twi-Lek&#39;s Arm. **

Vulkar Twi&#39;Lek: GAAAHH&#33; *Grabs side*

Canderous: Had enough?

Vulkar Twi&#39;Lek: Mppphhh... *Bites lip*

** Other Vulkar is shaking by the knees. **

Polo: Your answer.

Vulkar Twi&#39;Lek: Ehhhrrr.... Okay&#33; *Arm bleeding*

Polo: Davik wants the money before next week.

Vulkar Twi&#39;Lek: Okay... *Gah&#33;* ... Let&#39;s go Baltu&#33; (Leaves)

Canderous: Dumb Vulkars think just becase their in their &#39;little gang&#39; that they think their invinsible. Heh.

Polo: Interesting persuade style... You know, there are alternatives?

Canderous: It doesn&#39;t get easier than that.

Polo: True. Now, let&#39;s go. We still have another contract to take care of.

Canderous: Your right. Next: The apartments.


(73 replies, posted in Video Games)

lol, Jester.

It was the customers fault anyway, for not checking it before he bought it...  lol


(128 replies, posted in Video Games)


What does that mean?


(9 replies, posted in Jokes and Funny Stuff)

You rate everything.  lol


(421 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)

Interesting conversations we have on this site, we do...

I have that Gallette shampoo comercial song stuck in my head...  <_<

#37 - Outcasts are sad.

#38 - You apparently can&#39;t get the Rakghoul disease.

#33 - Your allowed to kill a group of drunks - - and the Sith help you&#33;

#34 - Carth has two or three strands of hair on his forehead.