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kotor fan fiction scroll Epic battle into far far away future part 1 Ch.2 by
  Canderous OrdoExile (Male/Dark Side)Star Wars

Authors Notes: First off, I am sorry for takeing so darn long to write another chapter, second when I was typeing in my first authors notes it said in one part Darth Nihilus crushes… and then it didn’t finish. I meant Darth Nihilus crushes the Rebellion, I dont know how that happend, I could have […]

Written Saturday, January 2nd, 2010 Comments Off
Category: Canderous Ordo, Exile (Male/Dark Side), Expanded Universe, Star Wars, Visas Marr

kotor fan fiction scroll Epic Battle from present to Far Far Away Future part 1 by
  Canderous OrdoExile (Male/Dark Side)Star Wars

Authours notes: Okay This is an AU featuring The Dark Side Triumping, DSM Exile, DS Visas Marr, DS Canderous Ordo and The One And Only (This time Truly All Powerfull and Immortal) Darth Nihilus who not only survives but also triggers a force time portal breach on the Ravenger sending Nihilus, The Exile, Canderous and […]

Written Friday, July 31st, 2009 1 Comment »
Category: Canderous Ordo, Exile (Male/Dark Side), Expanded Universe, Star Wars, Visas Marr

kotor fan fiction scroll Darth Nihilus’s new apprentice part 6 The infinite Fleet by
  Exile (Female/Light Side)Exile (Male/Dark Side)Revan (Male/Dark Side)

As the tourture ended The Handmaiden slumped and fell naked and asleep in Virons shoulders. He let her fall off of him and glared at his also naked and asleep sister. He then proceeded to one of the sith troopers standing near by. Take them both to the prison viewport so they can see what […]

Written Saturday, July 25th, 2009 2 Comments »
Category: Exile (Female/Light Side), Exile (Male/Dark Side), Revan (Male/Dark Side), Star Wars, The Last Handmaiden, Visas Marr

kotor fan fiction scroll Victory of the True Sith Part 1 The Fallen by
  Atton RandExile (Male/Dark Side)G0-T0

The Exile now the new dark lord having conquered malacor V returened to the Ebon Hawk where his wonderfully darksided students waited for his return. When he arrived they asked if their training was complete he replyed that it was only begining and its completion layed with the True Sith. Your training will be completed […]

Written Saturday, July 18th, 2009 No Comments »
Category: Atton Rand, Exile (Male/Dark Side), Expanded Universe, G0-T0, HK-47, Mandalore, Mira, Revan (Male/Dark Side), Star Wars, T3-M4, The Last Handmaiden, Visas Marr

kotor fan fiction scroll Darth Nihilus’s new apprentice part 5 Unwelcome Reunion by
  Exile (Female/Light Side)Exile (Male/Dark Side)Revan (Male/Dark Side)

Darth Viron walked down into the Ravanger hanger ready to go on a personal mission of is own choosing when a sith trooper came up to him. Sir we have recently captured two prisoners and they are being brought aboard the Ravenger now. I think you will want to see them mi’lord. My fellow troopers […]

Written Friday, July 17th, 2009 Comments Off
Category: Exile (Female/Light Side), Exile (Male/Dark Side), Expanded Universe, Revan (Male/Dark Side), Star Wars, The Last Handmaiden, Visas Marr

kotor fan fiction scroll Darth Nihilus’s new apprentice part 4 The apprentice’s new sith name by
  Exile (Male/Dark Side)Revan (Male/Dark Side)Star Wars

The Exile walked to the center of the ship where Darth Nihilus, Darth Revan, and General Griveous were standing. He didn’t have to worry about Visas being in danger because she was sleeping safe and sound in their bed, Naked but safe and sound. He continued walking to where they were at. They were staring […]

Written Friday, June 12th, 2009 3 Comments »
Category: Exile (Male/Dark Side), Expanded Universe, Revan (Male/Dark Side), Star Wars, Visas Marr

kotor fan fiction scroll Visas Marrs new master Part 1 by
  Atton RandExile (Male/Dark Side)HK-47

Deep within the core malalicor V the new dark lord Darth Viron once known as the Exile viewed his new sith assassin army with complete satisfaction. behind him were Darth Sion and Darth Nihilus now cured of his uncontrollable hunger (life consuming force hunger) both who had now swore loyality to him and with him […]

Written Wednesday, June 10th, 2009 Comments Off
Category: Atton Rand, Exile (Male/Dark Side), Expanded Universe, HK-47, Kreia, Revan (Male/Dark Side), Star Wars, Visas Marr

kotor fan fiction scroll Darth Nihilus’s new apprentice part 3 Visas Marrs defeat by
  Exile (Male/Dark Side)Revan (Male/Dark Side)Star Wars

Wait hold it! the Exile shouted. Behind them a sith figure activated his lightsaber. You can’t defeat me Exile I am Darth Nihilus’s new apprentice! shouted the sith. Go Visas. You and Canderous go to where Nihilus is. I’ll hold this sith off. Hurry! shouted the Exile. Yes master said Visas. The door closed behind […]

Written Monday, June 8th, 2009 No Comments »
Category: Exile (Male/Dark Side), Expanded Universe, Knights of the Old Republic, Revan (Male/Dark Side), Star Wars, Visas Marr

kotor fan fiction scroll Darth Nihilus’s new apprentice Part 2 General Grievious by
  Exile (Male/Dark Side)Revan (Male/Dark Side)Star Wars

Darth Nihilus stood waiting as Visas Marr, the dark sided Exile, and the new mandalor were almost about to walk in. He will be the perect apprentice and together we will bring glory to the True Sith empire. We will also conquer the galaxy completely with your help isn’t that right Darth Revan. It sure […]

Written Monday, June 8th, 2009 No Comments »
Category: Exile (Male/Dark Side), Expanded Universe, Revan (Male/Dark Side), Star Wars, Visas Marr

kotor fan fiction scroll Darth Nihilus’s new apprentice part 1 Darth Revan by
  Exile (Male/Dark Side)Revan (Male/Dark Side)Star Wars

Darth Nihilus stood waiting at the viewport of his flagship the Ravager for the delightfully dark sided person who would soon be his new apprentice. He had waited a long time for this moment. Finally that time had come! The Exile waited just behind the door leading to the Darth Nihilus with Visas Marr just […]

Written Monday, June 8th, 2009 No Comments »
Category: Exile (Male/Dark Side), Expanded Universe, Revan (Male/Dark Side), Star Wars, Visas Marr

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